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What Are Your Golden Rules?
会员从Feb 10, 2019开始
会员从Feb 10, 2019开始
Apr 23, 2019 at 08:12
会员从Feb 10, 2019开始
FMovingAverage posted:Atchris posted:
1. test fresh strategies on demo
2. trade with stop loss
3.never follow the crowd blindly.
The last point is so important! So many (beginners especially) want to know every little detail of other people's successful trades.
会员从Feb 10, 2019开始
会员从Apr 06, 2018开始
Apr 24, 2019 at 06:55
会员从Apr 06, 2018开始
ScottyCarsonMVP posted:Wreeves posted:
1 - Don't revenge trade.
2- Proper risk management
3- Test new strategies for 1month and if fails then move on to the next one
Great rules here also!!!
I agree with point1 & 2 but 1 month is very short period to reject a strategy if strategy is profitable over long period(say 10years) of backtesting.
The market will trade through it’s path of least resistance .
会员从Apr 23, 2019开始
会员从Apr 09, 2019开始
会员从Feb 10, 2019开始
Apr 28, 2019 at 11:13
会员从Feb 10, 2019开始
LongVision posted:ScottyCarsonMVP posted:Wreeves posted:
1 - Don't revenge trade.
2- Proper risk management
3- Test new strategies for 1month and if fails then move on to the next one
Great rules here also!!!
I agree with point1 & 2 but 1 month is very short period to reject a strategy if strategy is profitable over long period(say 10years) of backtesting.
What timescale what you recommend instead? Or can this not be answered?
会员从Feb 10, 2019开始
会员从Feb 10, 2019开始
会员从Apr 06, 2018开始
May 01, 2019 at 08:12
会员从Apr 06, 2018开始
ScottyCarsonMVP posted:LongVision posted:ScottyCarsonMVP posted:Wreeves posted:
1 - Don't revenge trade.
2- Proper risk management
3- Test new strategies for 1month and if fails then move on to the next one
Great rules here also!!!
I agree with point1 & 2 but 1 month is very short period to reject a strategy if strategy is profitable over long period(say 10years) of backtesting.
What timescale what you recommend instead? Or can this not be answered?
1 year with very low risk per trade(say 0.25%).
The market will trade through it’s path of least resistance .
May 23, 2019 at 04:31
会员从Apr 23, 2019开始
The Golden Rule is the principle of treating others as one's self would wish to be treated. It is a maxim that is found in many religions and cultures. The Golden Rule can be considered an ethic of reciprocity in some religions, although other religions treat it differently.
Aug 04, 2019 at 01:36
会员从Jun 29, 2019开始
My rules for achieving a profitable trading voyage is the successful utilization of funds with the proper monitoring of risks. I won't simply put my funds at hazards any moment. Rather I prefer to wait for the time pattern to be well organized so that after proper analysis i can make the best decisions for my funds.
会员从Jan 05, 2016开始
会员从Aug 05, 2019开始
Aug 16, 2019 at 09:30
会员从Aug 16, 2019开始
Professional4X posted:ScottyCarsonMVP posted:
What timescale what you recommend instead? Or can this not be answered?
Multiple time frame analysis
For me that was the golden rule that really made a difference to my trading. All the other 'golden rules' are obvious but this one really changed my success rate
