Million Dollar Pips (由 milliondpips)

收益 : +26241.17%
缩减 39.44%
点: 5202.2
交易 4497
类型: 演示
杠杆率: 1:200
交易: 自动的

Million Dollar Pips讨论

May 20, 2011 at 02:45
3,872 Replies
会员从Jun 01, 2010开始   70帖子
May 25, 2011 at 14:17
Avg. Trade Length: 0s

会员从May 20, 2011开始   19帖子
May 25, 2011 at 15:13
It's more than 0s.. with recommended brokers it performs very well
会员从Feb 16, 2010开始   1332帖子
May 25, 2011 at 15:22

milliondpips posted:
    It's more than 0s.. with recommended brokers it performs very well

Yeah, right.😁😁😁

Why do you show us demo account if it's so good?

This is obviously arbitrage and arbitrage doesn't work with real money. If you show us verified real money account with reputable broker I WILL APOLOGISE but for now I strongly believe this is just another piece of $99 junk. The time for selling EAs with demo statements is over long time ago.
"In trading, winning is frequently a question of luck, but losing is always a matter of skill."
会员从May 20, 2011开始   19帖子
May 25, 2011 at 15:37
This is NOT arbitrage. Arbitrage takes 100's of trades a day.. this takes MUCH MUCH less than 100.
会员从Nov 18, 2009开始   735帖子
May 25, 2011 at 15:51
I could swear to G-D I've already seen someone selling stuff on the internet with such nice letters and phrases like 'to your success', and 'P.S.', 'P.P.S.', 'P.P.P.S.' ... 😉

I'll keep that little secret for now ... 😁
Surround yourself with people whose eyes light up when they see you and who have no agenda for your reform.
会员从May 20, 2011开始   19帖子
May 25, 2011 at 15:55
Thanks ;).. This is a nice letter maybe similar to others. But my goal is to sell a real robot. And although some may be skeptical now.. I hope you learn to see that this is truely an amazing robot and unique.
会员从Feb 16, 2010开始   1332帖子
May 25, 2011 at 17:59 (已编辑 May 25, 2011 at 18:03)
milliondpips posted:
    Thanks ;).. This is a nice letter maybe similar to others. But my goal is to sell a real robot. And although some may be skeptical now.. I hope you learn to see that this is truely an amazing robot and unique.

My stomach hurts from laughing.

A trully amazing and unique robot requires a REAL ACCOUNT. Only then I'll learn to see.
"In trading, winning is frequently a question of luck, but losing is always a matter of skill."
会员从Aug 21, 2009开始   92帖子
May 25, 2011 at 18:28
So your site states clearly this:

Quote: But... I had to be sure about my machine's performance in the REAL world, in REAL time with REAL money. I had to put up or shut up. So, with both nervousness and great excitement, I tested my revolutionary, secret system in real time...

End Quote

Your state clearly REAL MONEY so where is the real money account.

Those that say it can not be done should leave those that are doing it alone.
会员从Jan 24, 2011开始   13帖子
May 25, 2011 at 20:37
Is there any real account with this robot?
会员从May 20, 2011开始   19帖子
May 25, 2011 at 23:05
We will be showing one in the near future.
会员从Oct 24, 2009开始   186帖子
May 26, 2011 at 01:24
If it performs, can we trade?.
会员从Mar 05, 2010开始   76帖子
May 26, 2011 at 04:30
average win of 2.13 pips on demo account means definitely loss on a real account. Systems with less than an average win of 7pips on a demo account are worthless in the real world on the long-term
There are only a few shortcuts in life ....... but for successful trading you have always to go the extra mile
会员从Mar 16, 2011开始   61帖子
May 26, 2011 at 11:47

milliondpips posted:
    We will be showing one in the near future.

It will be nice to see how this works on a decent sized real account just to see if it performs as well as a demo account.

Looking forward to it!
会员从May 20, 2011开始   19帖子
May 26, 2011 at 16:18
Thanks. We will do our best to provide more data. Customers are reporting good results on their accounts in last 24 hours. Matching us.
会员从Aug 21, 2010开始   11帖子
May 26, 2011 at 18:03
Any live accounts running? Demo is worthless....

会员从Aug 16, 2010开始   453帖子
May 26, 2011 at 19:48
Looks like another arbitrage wonder EA. As it was said before it can deliver only virtual pips, on real acc there will be off quotes, requotes and slippages and loss loss loss.
Was mich nicht umbringt, macht mich stärker.
会员从May 20, 2011开始   19帖子
May 26, 2011 at 20:24
This is NOT even close to arbitrage... it makes money using a trading strategy. Not using spreads. It will NOT trade when spreads are high, it turns off temporarily. And requores and slippage aren't an issue, if your using a good broker.. or a recommended broker.
会员从Feb 16, 2010开始   1332帖子
May 26, 2011 at 20:26 (已编辑 May 26, 2011 at 20:27)
milliondpips posted:
    This is NOT even close to arbitrage... it makes money using a trading strategy. Not using spreads. It will NOT trade when spreads are high, it turns off temporarily. And requores and slippage aren't an issue, if your using a good broker.. or a recommended broker.

How could you possibly know that when you don't have a real account? You want to sound like it has been tested but there's no proof. Is that a joke?
"In trading, winning is frequently a question of luck, but losing is always a matter of skill."
会员从Oct 24, 2009开始   186帖子
May 26, 2011 at 20:36
Guys, Demos are not connected to 'real' servers, there is not requotes, no liquidity problems etc, this is why we stress the fact that strategies be demostrated on real account, so we can see real results.
会员从Feb 16, 2010开始   1332帖子
May 26, 2011 at 20:40 (已编辑 May 26, 2011 at 20:40)
Forexanadova posted:
    Guys, Demos are not connected to 'real' servers, there is not requotes, no liquidity problems etc, this is why we stress the fact that strategies be demostrated on real account, so we can see real results.

Exactly, especially when average trade lenght is 0s.
"In trading, winning is frequently a question of luck, but losing is always a matter of skill."
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