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BTC Breaker MT4 V Obchodní systémy od Btc_trader - 1 Hour ago
expert today tested on vantage broker and works as expectedLive working on MT5 :)
Can someone explain? V Noví obchodníci od viggi - Před 3 hodinami
Now it makes sense. Thanks for the effort to both of you! So the higher the LOT, the spreads go wider?And also the spreads trmove in real time constantly?
THEBADDESTEA V Obchodní systémy od othmane_karama - Před 3 hodinami
How to automate a trading strategy V Programování od Tjabaha - Před 5 hodinami
I think Chatgpt could help you get started. Tell her what you're after and what language you would like your code in.
How to become emotionless in forex? V Obecné od YourLazyTrader - Před 5 hodinami
You become emotionless when you treat it as a business instead of wins and losses.
HGS ( By Your Lazy Trader) V Obchodní systémy od YourLazyTrader - Před 7 hodinami
The HGS system plans to generate another 10% gain in the upcoming week. Current balance = 216K USD.
What should beginner traders trade? V Noví obchodníci od Gwydaer - Před 14 hodinami
Nailed it, Indices are the best to start with by a long shot for beginnwrs IF aiming to use trend following models, particularly the nasdaq. To diversify, a good combination to trade is the Euro50, Nasdaq and the Jap225.
What specific algorithmic trading models to priori... V Noví obchodníci od Gwydaer - Před 14 hodinami
Sortino ratio is your friend here. There are software packages where you can appropriately model this, and adjust each system's risk to meet your target thresholds.
Need an investor for my trading! V Zkušení obchodníci od Gwydaer - Před 14 hodinami
Depending on your country, this may require a financial services licence & can be illegal without one.
test me on demo first if passed hire me as amaster... V Obecné od Gwydaer - Před 14 hodinami
You'll have to check the legalities of this in you and your partner's country. In many countries, this has to be done under a financial services licence.
TMGM是个黑平台,找各种理由不给出金,大家要谨慎选择交易平台 V Noví obchodníci od iccu - Před 15 hodinami
AF-Gold Hunter Pro+| 310437068 V Obchodní systémy od AFSIDDOTCOM - Před 17 hodinami
Trading gold is very profitable if you know the technique :)
MM Huracan V Obchodní systémy od TB123 - Před 23 hodinami
Hello MMI hope this finds you well. You have an excellent account. I'm contacting you to share an opportunity that has emerged within our extensive client base. A portion of our clients' funds is poised for a large Forex investment, and I believe it could present a valuable avenue for collaboration.I would be delighted to discuss this ...
Doutor Ricco NASDAQ V Obchodní systémy od perissi - Včera o 17:40
Asssinei seu copy trading, gostaria de saber qual setagem ideal do fator multiplicador, atualmente esta em 0,5, acho os trades muito pequenos em relacao ao saldo de conta de 10K usd, voce poderia explicar melhor como funciona seu Algo e qual melhor set para acompanhar corretamnete seu FXBook atual.
ElderCus V Obchodní systémy od udeliana - Včera o 14:32
Does anyone know how to subscribe to this signal?
EFX Algo Moderate V Obchodní systémy od wealthySis - Včera o 13:17
They are legit I did a 30 day trial but decided to continue with another firm I've been using over a year now..
AlphaSTAT V Strategie od Sirapattt - Včera o 06:49
For copy this strategy.
KipkoechfxEAOnofferFor$200 V Obchodní systémy od CodedPips - Včera o 04:12
can you run it on live even on cents account?
Momo Makarov V Obchodní systémy od QUANTALGOFUND - May 03 at 20:58
Done for this week see you next week with very big profit😎
MultiPair EA / RobotForexPro V Obchodní systémy od RobotForexProEA - May 03 at 20:10
We have removed now GBPCHF pair from trading system.Now we will use just 6 trading pairs, but can be used a bigger Money Management.Will be now more safety but profit will be higher.