Commitments of Traders Historical Report for October 20, 2009

Financial Futures

Nicht-kommerzielle Positionen Kommerzielle Positionen Nicht meldepflichtige Positionen Händlerpositionen Asset Manager Positionen Leveraged Funds Positionen
Name Open Interest Long Short Long Short Long Short Long Short Long Short Long Short
AUD 120590 62429 8439 27039 97669 31057 14417 3652 94289 17488 3377 57044 3204
CAD 111244 52689 9152 17831 85802 40500 16066 2624 82022 6470 4294 53496 5819
CHF 54748 30017 6164 3379 41095 21330 7467 2478 41703 1310 862 29062 4148
EUR 170291 77829 41796 38176 94579 53834 33464 21101 84868 19671 18844 61589 24507
GBP 103138 15644 58962 69913 17588 17557 26564 55496 5977 10891 12793 16385 39669
JPY 120630 49401 18216 45911 82789 25308 19615 17884 79170 26483 10684 43060 2697
MXN 83524 63913 8729 14438 72569 4997 2050 8818 65592 5649 0 61160 8574
NZD 24862 19531 2373 1880 21600 3451 889 2500 20477 1145 0 16729 2868
RUB 20067 7829 339 9476 19199 2546 313 6514 12816 0 0 6389 2569

Commodity Futures

Nicht-kommerzielle Positionen Kommerzielle Positionen Nicht meldepflichtige Positionen Producer/Merchant/Processor/User Positions Swap Dealers Positions Managed Money Positions
Name Open Interest Long Short Long Short Long Short Long Short Long Short Long Short
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