Commitments of Traders Historical Report for June 26, 2018

Financial Futures

Nicht-kommerzielle Positionen Kommerzielle Positionen Nicht meldepflichtige Positionen Händlerpositionen Asset Manager Positionen Leveraged Funds Positionen
Name Open Interest Long Short Long Short Long Short Long Short Long Short Long Short
AUD 137795 33105 74083 83884 21126 17696 39476 79513 2003 4392 40461 29708 50402
BRL 49686 8793 37590 39029 9567 1677 2342 24460 681 5256 29436 9470 8008
CAD 159233 40866 73665 86272 45363 28741 36851 42599 19377 32122 32854 38422 59335
CHF 92933 13242 51273 73223 12694 5598 28096 66998 2337 1990 19368 16711 40287
EUR 481383 190147 156243 212675 254515 66701 58765 46454 152251 264728 118466 39270 99328
GBP 169623 41491 63072 97843 61296 23920 38886 58375 6079 37073 74540 35864 29537
JPY 153566 44430 78651 81943 34931 24468 37259 39303 17047 33995 31618 44371 58067
MXN 150501 61775 74285 80454 64270 3982 7656 16968 51468 82392 28039 39153 49483
NZD 45026 14898 32460 27617 5563 2223 6715 26053 0 5250 10445 10073 25781
RUB 19772 9085 2379 8871 15763 1804 1618 0 13332 15637 394 2219 4416

Commodity Futures

Nicht-kommerzielle Positionen Kommerzielle Positionen Nicht meldepflichtige Positionen Producer/Merchant/Processor/User Positions Swap Dealers Positions Managed Money Positions
Name Open Interest Long Short Long Short Long Short Long Short Long Short Long Short
Crude Oil 176694 67095 20700 88437 103524 20464 51772 45108 26364 21771 55602 5760 0
Silver 218492 93565 59344 73397 122428 31131 16321 16088 58127 50958 57950 74273 52212
Gold 468573 195118 118446 171601 266564 50420 32129 45108 116919 101135 124287 94845 94869
Copper 268714 104151 70106 92700 132814 19503 13434 46667 117032 38190 7939 72532 50424
Palladium 21959 13259 4668 6787 15496 1381 1263 1537 8997 4559 5808 9573 3276
Platinum 86452 41335 47450 28610 29266 11318 4547 12877 22047 12742 4228 17177 44063
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