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Discipline and Forex Trading
Mitglied seit Sep 27, 2021
4 Posts
Mitglied seit Dec 26, 2019
20 Posts
Sep 27, 2021 at 20:05
Mitglied seit Dec 26, 2019
20 Posts
Discipline and forex tradding are inexctricably connected with each other. There are no successful forex trading activity without discipline actually. I'm not talking about physical discipline, like complying with trading regimes and so on. I also take into consideration mental discipline which implies stable mentality, clear mind and conscious actions. In my opinion, there are plenty of traders nowadays who are tend to neglect this rule and from tim to time it leads them to failure. We all know that mistakes can help traders to become more successful, then ones who don't want to comply with discipline, will once face its consequences.
Mitglied seit Apr 09, 2019
516 Posts
Mitglied seit Oct 29, 2021
69 Posts
Jan 19, 2022 at 06:30
Mitglied seit Oct 29, 2021
69 Posts
Discipline and patience are essential when trading Forex. Many traders make the mistake of trying to "time the market" and end up losing money in the process. A disciplined trader will stick to a plan, regardless of the market conditions. This is essential for long-term success in Forex trading.

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