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Ready made strategy doesn't
Dec 29, 2020 at 15:01
Mitglied seit Jul 19, 2020
749 Posts
Ready made strategy doesn't help at to develop your trading skills. As you newbie you have to learn how price works, how an indicator works, why and when an indicator gives any buy or sell signals. When you are newbie, you are like an intern. You work to learn the skills not for money.
Mitglied seit Jul 23, 2020
816 Posts
Mitglied seit May 31, 2021
13 Posts
Mitglied seit May 31, 2021
51 Posts
May 31, 2021 at 11:10
Mitglied seit May 31, 2021
51 Posts
Nothing is ready made in this world so how it can be on forex trading? We should always try to look into the possibilities of making new strategies for our trades although it is time taking but it is in accordance with your trading style only.
Mitglied seit Dec 05, 2020
76 Posts
Mitglied seit Apr 09, 2019
516 Posts
Mitglied seit May 19, 2020
321 Posts
Dec 28, 2021 at 12:21
Mitglied seit May 19, 2020
321 Posts
It is necessary to look from the other side at the ready made trading systems. Why not consider ready made systems trading as a prime example of what a system might look like? This will certainly not give you a trading experience, but you will know a little more about the market and the possible trading options. As an example, you need to read enough books to be able to write your own.
Mitglied seit May 19, 2020
321 Posts
Mitglied seit Oct 29, 2021
69 Posts
Jan 07, 2022 at 18:58
Mitglied seit Sep 22, 2020
12 Posts
I wouldn't be so radical while talking about ready-made strategies. It depends on the traders themselves and their critical thinking. As for me, I understand the given information better when I see the examples of how this or that knowledge is implemented on practice. The same is a bout trading strategies. I can look at some trading strategies which are available with the help of other traders and test them and try to analyze what they lack and what their weak points are. Everyone should understand that trading strategies should always be modified according to the market. It is next to impossible to find some strategy and use it in your trading all the time with success. More than that, people are different and as they say, one man's meat is another man's poison. So, they should be altered according to your personalty and mentality.
Jan 24, 2022 at 04:56
Mitglied seit Dec 13, 2021
31 Posts
A single strategy without any changes cannot be very useful. To make it work in different scenarios, it is important to customize it as the situation demands. If the trader is not confident about the customization, a demo account can always be used to backtest the new strategy.
Mitglied seit Jan 11, 2022
45 Posts
Jan 27, 2022 at 07:39
Mitglied seit Jan 11, 2022
45 Posts
Any strategy needs an upgrade according to the time and demand of the market. Several traditional strategies have been successful in the past and they still work great in the market. But over time, the market will require a different approach to the strategy that can beat it. So, traders need an upgrade of their strategies.
Feb 22, 2022 at 06:15
Mitglied seit Nov 03, 2021
53 Posts
Forex market is so dynamic that you can’t rely on a single strategy to achieve success in it. You will have to keep making new trading strategies, but don’t try in live trading. To test your trading strategies, you should use a demo account. You’d be able to find flaws (if any) in your strategies, which you can then rectify before implementing those in live forex trading.
Mitglied seit Jul 23, 2020
816 Posts
Feb 24, 2022 at 14:34
Mitglied seit Mar 28, 2021
586 Posts
UweMoench posted:
Ready made strategy doesn't help at to develop your trading skills. As you newbie you have to learn how price works, how an indicator works, why and when an indicator gives any buy or sell signals. When you are newbie, you are like an intern. You work to learn the skills not for money.
To be honest, I have such a bad experience with so called profitable trading strategy! Basically, if you want to succeed here then surely, building your own trading system is the best practice! Surely, it’ll take a little bit time but the result will be more sustainable!
May 10, 2022 at 04:06
Mitglied seit Jan 10, 2022
40 Posts
Ready made strategies may sometimes work for traders if their trading style matches with the strategy. It can be a good way if a trader is not able to build a good strategy for himself. Even if a strategy is not suitable for a trader, it can be modified according to the requirements.
May 17, 2022 at 05:41
Mitglied seit Feb 20, 2021
77 Posts
Every trader should develop their own strategy that suits their trading style. It is not mandatory that the ready made strategy will suit you. Furthermore, to learn trading properly you must not follow ready made strategy and build your own. Also, if you don’t work hard on your own you can never learn trading skills and it will be harmful in the long-run.
Mitglied seit Apr 09, 2019
516 Posts
May 17, 2022 at 13:32
Mitglied seit Apr 09, 2019
516 Posts
It's not to say you can't draw inspiration from other strategies. Few things are original anymore. But there is no one size fits all in trading and if you go into it thinking there is you'll waste a lot of time and money.
If you can't spot the liquidity then you are the liquidity.
May 20, 2022 at 04:31
Mitglied seit Mar 11, 2022
37 Posts
Ready made strategy is not beneficial and every trader must develop their own strategy that suits them the best. It is not mandatory that if the same strategy worked for other traders then it will work for you as well. Also, using ready made strategy will never allow you to develop your trading skills proficiently. Every trader must create their own strategy with their psychology, personality, and financial goals.

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