Really? Long term is worth the wait?

Jul 07, 2017 at 06:17
3,633 Angesehen
73 Replies
Mitglied seit Feb 12, 2016   427 Posts
Aug 17, 2017 at 10:35
Long term trading together with short term trading is worth it if your strategy/plan is worth it ...
Accept the loss as experience
Mitglied seit Sep 13, 2017   2 Posts
Sep 27, 2017 at 06:34
Trading involves lot of patience, planning and understanding of the market. Once you gain enough experience and expertise with the intraday trading, you can go for long term trading as well. Yes it is worth the wait!
Mitglied seit Feb 12, 2016   522 Posts
Sep 27, 2017 at 13:24
Some of the cons in long term trading are:
* overnight risk for any economic, nature and etc. events
* financial charges / negative swap - depending of the market traded accumulated with the time

Bottom line - the really big profits comes from the really big market movements... except it they are not in wrong direction :)
Mitglied seit Sep 18, 2013   12 Posts
Oct 01, 2017 at 06:38
SophieB posted:
Hello everyone, I am not fan of doing a long term investment, in fact I never tried it. But I have been curious with it, so I tried ti read some articles, one of the articles I have read caught my attention. Entitles, 'Long Term Investment is Worth the Wait' ( According from this article, though there is a higher risk with this one there is also a greater returns? Is that true? Help me for those who did long term investment.

Good Day SophieB

We used to strategically plan long-term plays with the hopes that we would get a bigger 'piece of the pie' with less overall risk and effort but the numbers prove it otherwise.

The cycles you will witness are far more lucrative as the Market trends in both directions and you can capitalize far more often and have more opportunities to be free and clear of all trades much more often which is a valuable asset. Not to mention the swap fees that can build against your position for the long-term as well.

The potential of each capitalized cycle added across the same long-term time span will far exceed the amount in gains you would likely see in one trade alone. In following the Scalping strategies, you can vary your lot size as well and this can be very lucrative.

As an ongoing strategy now, after 15 years of working in Forex, we tend to stay out of the Market as much as we can and only get in when we see a strong potential.

I hope this helps.

Happy Trading

Mitglied seit Sep 07, 2017   13 Posts
Oct 12, 2017 at 14:48
It is good to wait for the good opportunities but long term swing trading can be difficult. Sure the gains can be big once you get a trend but there can also be big losers if the market turns
Mitglied seit Apr 18, 2017   920 Posts
Oct 12, 2017 at 14:52
No, long time trading styles are much reliable than the short time trading! That’s way, all of pro traders prefer long time trading!
Mitglied seit Feb 22, 2011   4862 Posts
Oct 13, 2017 at 09:27

you should post some accounts that backup your statements
otherwise I can say 1 minute trading is the best...
Mitglied seit Apr 18, 2017   718 Posts
Oct 15, 2017 at 07:08
TiffanyK posted:
Long term trading together with short term trading is worth it if your strategy/plan is worth it ...
Agree with you! Traders need to select their trading style based on their strategy and plan.
Mitglied seit May 14, 2019   28 Posts
Feb 12, 2020 at 17:37
It's worth the wait if you do have some experience how to trade in such bad conditions anyway and I am hoping you really know how to do that lately and carefully. Do you know how to or not? I am not able to make it going anyway.
Mitglied seit Feb 13, 2020   23 Posts
Feb 13, 2020 at 14:09
I do prefer day trading over longterm.
Just because I'm that type of person that wants to see results fast.
And with longterm you need to have a lot of patience. And I have none.
It's my problem. I lost a lot of money in the past just because I was not patient enough.
So it's up to you.
Mitglied seit Feb 11, 2020   14 Posts
Feb 14, 2020 at 10:36
There is such a thing as long money. So the one who can organize long money for himself will always be in the black.
Mitglied seit Sep 22, 2019   24 Posts
Feb 24, 2020 at 11:39
Personally, I'm more comfortable with day trading since long-term trading requires a lot of patience to materialize. It's true that long-term trading is very beneficial, but that depends with how good you are at trading. If you realize that holding long-term positions is yielding better results for you, then go ahead. However, most traders prefer short-term trading
Mitglied seit Sep 29, 2019   26 Posts
Feb 24, 2020 at 11:50
Long term trading is worth the wait if you have enough capital to invest in it. However, if your trading capital is still little, it is better to stick to day trading. This applies mostly to new traders who are still testing the waters and do not have much capital to invest
Mitglied seit Feb 24, 2020   7 Posts
Feb 24, 2020 at 12:27
Cegar posted:
Long term trading is worth the wait if you have enough capital to invest in it. However, if your trading capital is still little, it is better to stick to day trading. This applies mostly to new traders who are still testing the waters and do not have much capital to invest

I could not agree more
Mitglied seit Oct 19, 2019   38 Posts
Feb 25, 2020 at 06:24
Kathri posted:
Personally, I'm more comfortable with day trading since long-term trading requires a lot of patience to materialize. It's true that long-term trading is very beneficial, but that depends with how good you are at trading. If you realize that holding long-term positions is yielding better results for you, then go ahead. However, most traders prefer short-term trading

Agree with you however, it depends on a trader's goal. Whether he engages in short term or long term depends on why he trading at all. Is he trading for livelihood or just some regular income stream or whether he wants capital appreciation overtime. It just depends!
Mitglied seit Aug 27, 2017   994 Posts
Feb 29, 2020 at 13:49
Long term is not a bad idea but if you are comfortable with short-term trading, then go for it!
Mitglied seit Mar 03, 2020   10 Posts
Mar 03, 2020 at 13:58
Yeah, if you want to succeed fast you will fail fast. It's that easy
so be careful please
God bless
Mitglied seit Nov 06, 2018   83 Posts
Mar 06, 2020 at 15:56
SophieB posted:
Hello everyone, I am not fan of doing a long term investment, in fact I never tried it. But I have been curious with it, so I tried ti read some articles, one of the articles I have read caught my attention. Entitles, 'Long Term Investment is Worth the Wait' ( According from this article, though there is a higher risk with this one there is also a greater returns? Is that true? Help me for those who did long term investment.

If you want financial freedom and not have to work your job again, then the long term goal is to be profitable over time.
Mitglied seit Mar 03, 2020   12 Posts
May 14, 2020 at 18:23
always! Long term is a path of smart people. one very famous investor once said - you need to wait for 9 months for a woman to give birth. You can't make her give birth faster by impregnating 9 other women. Same thing with an investments. You can't possibly expect to get something valuable and not waiting for it.
Mitglied seit Apr 18, 2020   54 Posts
May 15, 2020 at 07:05
gabeorwel posted:
always! Long term is a path of smart people. one very famous investor once said - you need to wait for 9 months for a woman to give birth. You can't make her give birth faster by impregnating 9 other women. Same thing with an investments. You can't possibly expect to get something valuable and not waiting for it.
True! Patience is very important for an investor.
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