Calculate true percentage profit

Feb 08, 2023 at 08:39
720 Angesehen
3 Replies
Mitglied seit Jun 21, 2019   6 Posts
Feb 08, 2023 at 08:39

Is there a way to calculate the true daily percentage profit by excluding the new deposits/withdraw on the account ?

Actually the API return the daily gain in dollars, not in percentage.

I can calculate it using balance amount.

But balance amount is falsified by new deposit/witdrawals made in the day.

Do you have a solution ?

Mitglied seit Sep 20, 2022   22 Posts
Feb 20, 2023 at 11:10
Yes, there is a way to calculate the true daily percentage profit by excluding new deposits/withdrawals on the account. Here is a simple formula you can use:

True Daily Percentage Profit = (Net Profit / (Previous Day's Equity - Deposits + Withdrawals)) * 100

In this formula, "Net Profit" is the amount of profit made on the account during the day, "Previous Day's Equity" is the equity of the account at the end of the previous day, "Deposits" is the amount of new deposits made to the account during the day, and "Withdrawals" is the amount of withdrawals made from the account during the day.

Note that this formula assumes that the only changes to the account balance during the day were due to trading activity, and that any other changes (such as fees or interest payments) are negligible. If there were significant other changes to the account balance during the day, you may need to adjust the formula accordingly.
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Mitglied seit Jun 21, 2019   6 Posts
Feb 21, 2023 at 13:33
Thanks a lot for your answer,

The problem is MyFxBook API don't seems to send me the deposit and withdrawals of a specific day ...
Mitglied seit Sep 20, 2022   22 Posts
Feb 22, 2023 at 07:43
You should be able to get the orders from MT4 or MT5. Write an MQL script or EA that exports the data you need and compute the report. If you are using MT5, you can actually use python api directly to grab the history and compute a report.
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