Beiträge von khashayarnezami

in khashayarnezami feed Jun 12, 2023 at 12:53
Trader and developer of trading robots Contact number: +989128702206 email : [email protected] Instagram : KHASHAYARNEZAMI
in khashayarnezami feed Jun 12, 2023 at 12:24
A poem by the Persian poet Abulqasem Ferdowsi tranclate by CHATGBT "In courts of kings and courts of high renown, Where music sweet and gilded trappings drown The ear and eye, the mystic lore to tell, Are whispered secrets that no man may know. Thus is the ancient hall of life's estate, Its secrets hidden from all mortal sight, And none may see, nor yet reveal the key To what is true and constant in its way. No man has understood the reasons why The earth revolves beneath the burning sky, Why this way goes and that way never goes, Why one man travels wide, and one man stays. Look not for solace in a reed-made nest, For though its green be fruitful to the eye, It will not fill the aching void within, But leave you sorrowing for joys unknown. This world is filled with pain and gnawing care, What pleasure lies in treasure or in fame? What has the reed to do with hidden gems? What comfort has the thorn for one who weeps? Behold this portal, opening wide and free, That leads men onward to their destiny, It first arrays the robes of noble birth, Then leaves the heart alone with bitter dregs. In quest of gold, it searches for the grave, And hides a crown in darkness and decay. One seeks this road, and one road only, then The realm is reached where all is naught but men. The heavens know not what they have in store, For man, who trusts in God forevermore. If years have nourished any man alive, To goodness only let him now aspire. When once his heart is safe, without a care, He'll turn his back upon his treasure there, And find in this departure from the throne No fear of death, nor sorrow for his crown. So high the wheel of fortune holds its sway, With crown and rope it takes or gives away. When none can sit, adorned in royal dress, It makes him pliant to the will of fate. The wise and ignorant, the high and low, The knowledgeable and the simple know The world is filled with false allure and wind, And wise men's happiness is not therein. Consider well your actions, as they be, For every act returns to you, you see, If good you do, then good will come to you, If evil, only evil will you find. The earth is dust, all mortals dwell thereon, The coolness lies in noble deeds alone. The world is filled with wisdom, truth and lore, Why then do men forsake it and ignore?"