I am a software developer with more than 26 years experience.
I have been working with forex since 2010.
I made hundreds of EA-s.
Automated trading.
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Systems by FxKing01

Name Gewinn Drawdown Pips Trading Hebel Typ
FxKing-CM 112.69% 40.01% 2702.7 Automatisiert 1:500 Demo
FxKing-CM-3TGFX 164.55% 45.17% 6546.4 Automatisiert 1:100 Demo
FxKing-001 HotForex PAMM 2.68% 3.56% -565.6 Gemischt 1:300 Real
FxKingEA HFReal -2.54% 6.43% 72.3 Automatisiert 1:400 Real
XM-REAL38 77.78% 55.56% 168.4 - 1:500 Real
FxKing-MG 348.69% 58.03% -117345.7 - 1:500 Demo
Manual-XMD -8.11% 3.13% -6746.0 Manuell 1:30 Demo
FxKing Money Generator -93.50% 99.01% -30385.1 Automatisiert 1:30 Demo
cTrader FxPro -1.11% 3.71% -1783.1 - 1:500 Demo
cTrader - IcM 0.51% 1.91% -4283.9 - 1:500 Demo
MT4 - FxPig-100215 -1.08% 1.22% -752.9 - - Demo
Mt5-FXTM-35089793 -0.48% 0.51% -228.7 - 1:500 Demo
Mt5-FxPro-5093172 -0.32% 0.43% -99.8 - 1:500 Demo
Mt5-ActiveT- 5045922 -0.23% 0.23% -116.7 - 1:100 Demo
cTrader - FxPig 0.30% 0.71% 315.5 - 1:200 Demo
Mt5-Adm-40005650 -8.79% 9.24% -427.8 - 1:100 Demo
Mt4-XM-8693966 382.31% 59.90% -20737.5 - - Demo
Mt4-FxOpen-938477 -0.76% 0.90% -1860.2 - - Demo
Mt4-Gainsy-277731 -1.84% 1.89% -1639.0 - - Demo
Mt4-AdmPrime-22011056 -12.27% 14.66% -5287.1 - - Demo
SuperF 78424608.05% 21.27% 18376.3 - - Real

Strategies by FxKing01

Name Gewinn Drawdown Pips Performance
FxKing +824% in 2014 +824.29% 23.93 668.0 FxKing +824% in 2014 performance
FxKing CM 1614% in 2014 +1617.86% 43.56 2284.0 FxKing CM 1614% in 2014 performance
FxKing-MG +189.94% 86.81 596.9 FxKing-MG performance
FxKing-CM21-GBPUSD +3590.65% 9.70 1300.6 FxKing-CM21-GBPUSD performance
FxKingCM2222 +79233.39% 37.30 1279.4 FxKingCM2222 performance
FxKingEA-EURUSD Scalper Real acc +783.72% 22.28 1237.9 FxKingEA-EURUSD Scalper Real acc performance
Free Profitable Automated System +171.2% 15.80 15610.5 Free Profitable Automated System performance

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