Keelan trader's profile


Name Keelan

Did a degree in computer science, so i hope to use my knowledge to create Algo traders. I enjoy science and music and playing the occasional game of chess.

I should also add im curious as to the nature of the game so to speak. The creation of money is a strange thing.

SPORADIC, I'm still learning the ropes so most of my systems are quite naive in essence but with some applied logic and a little statistics i think im getting there. So far I've not looked into any trading strategies other risk management (trailing stops, risk of ruin etc). I have a set of simple systems i plan to expand before i borrow other idea's.

Its not the mountain ahead that wears a man down, but the grain of sand in your shoe.

Erfahrung Weniger als ein Jahr


Bürgschaften/Gutscheine 0

Registriert Nov 09, 2015 at 09:45

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