Stunnaboi trader's profile



Name Stunnaboi

I am an algorithmic trader with focus on currencies. I have been trading since 2010. I started out like almost everyone, i.e, trading demo accounts. I read a lot of books on technical analysis and spent considerable amounts of time in front of the screen practicing what i read in those books. I then moved on to study trading psychology by again immersing myself in books and videos. My trading improved but still left much to be desired. My search for the "Truth" continued until i came across a book Titled "Dark Pools", that opened me up to world of trading algorithms. Then i came across another book titled "The man who solved the market", a book about a genius mathematician called Jim Simons. A light went on in my head and i instantly knew what i needed to do to succeed at trading.

My strategy is based on stochastic processes and the Markov Chain. The strategy also utilizes some probability theory and machine learning (Artificial neural networks). Of Couse don't expect me to spell out my strategy in details, Jim Simons taught me to keep the information sparse lol.

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Erfahrung Mehr als fünf Jahre


Bürgschaften/Gutscheine 0

Registriert Jan 18, 2017 at 20:45

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