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Diposting oleh DiggerOfTruth

masuk DiggerOfTruth feed Jan 26, 2013 at 21:54
Chart should update Monday - just attached it. I won't be trading - unless the Terms of Settlement are implemented by them - through STINKForex aka "ThinkForex" anymore. They have been uncovered as saboteurs, conspirators and lowlife lying devils. Neha included in this list. They are DARK. But the Light shall win in the end. Amen.
masuk DiggerOfTruth feed Jan 26, 2013 at 21:52
Why do you ask? I've tried many things and just found Forex. A friend says to look into options trading too. Have yet to do that. Working out internet connection and - as you know - broker problems with STINKForex aka "ThinkForex". (I think my new nickname for them has traction. Spread it around. :)