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- Russan Rubble is it time to BUY yet ?
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Russan Rubble is it time to BUY yet ?
Biedrs kopš
268 ieraksti
Dec 16, 2014 at 11:04
Biedrs kopš
268 ieraksti
How much longer this can go on ? Rubble lost more then 100 % against the dollar so far this year .
any ideas when its going to Stop 70 . 80 $ or sky is the limit 😇 ??
i want to start buy
any ideas when its going to Stop 70 . 80 $ or sky is the limit 😇 ??
i want to start buy
Biedrs kopš
8 ieraksti
Dec 16, 2014 at 14:41
Biedrs kopš
8 ieraksti
я думаю можно продавать рубль (покупать USDRUB), ставку повысили в экономике задница... нефть дешевеет
Biedrs kopš
268 ieraksti
Dec 16, 2014 at 17:29
Biedrs kopš
268 ieraksti
i want to SELL USDRUB not Buy it , too late for BUY im afraid . any minute it can go down big style

Biedrs kopš
1768 ieraksti
Dec 16, 2014 at 19:09
(labots Dec 16, 2014 at 19:14)
Biedrs kopš
1768 ieraksti
Biedrs kopš
268 ieraksti
Dec 17, 2014 at 14:44
Biedrs kopš
268 ieraksti
Told ya .72 to 67 in no time . more to come i think .. 50 sounds good to me .
Biedrs kopš
4573 ieraksti
Dec 18, 2014 at 12:33
Biedrs kopš
4573 ieraksti
DrVodka posted:
Told ya .72 to 67 in no time . more to come i think .. 50 sounds good to me .
Do your brokers still trade USD/RUB? I got message from my brokers they either stop trading it or decrease leverage to 1:10 (20,50)
Biedrs kopš
51 ieraksti
Dec 18, 2014 at 14:59
Biedrs kopš
51 ieraksti
Every major broker restricted RUB trading.. So, ruble will fall, until brokers allow trading again -> another bull rally.
Biedrs kopš
268 ieraksti
Dec 18, 2014 at 21:00
Biedrs kopš
268 ieraksti
yes leverage has been slashed to 50 to 1 and liquidity is very bad right now a well . it takes ages and million of re quotes to get in . i think its just brokers dont want to let ppl profit from this spike .Cos it one hell of a Spike .
Biedrs kopš
49 ieraksti
Dec 22, 2014 at 06:33
Biedrs kopš
49 ieraksti
what broker will provide you ruble? I heard that even alpari stopped it
There can't be enough money
Biedrs kopš
268 ieraksti
Dec 22, 2014 at 11:47
Biedrs kopš
268 ieraksti
i use Russian broker to trade rubble .
Rubble just gained another 6-7 % .
Rubble just gained another 6-7 % .

Biedrs kopš
26 ieraksti
Biedrs kopš
134 ieraksti
Dec 22, 2014 at 19:51
Biedrs kopš
134 ieraksti
Rubble is in such flux right now. Great moneymaker.

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