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- FxHollandTrader EA
FxHollandTrader EA (By kasparsvas16)
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250 ieraksti
Jul 03, 2021 at 23:03
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250 ieraksti
contact us to receive more information.
BUY NOW www.hollandtrader.site
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1 ieraksti
Dec 18, 2021 at 10:50
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1 ieraksti
i saw the site but i found only an EA that i can buy..i would like to buy more and if is possible to receive also a free demo!
Biedrs kopš
152 ieraksti
Dec 26, 2021 at 23:50
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152 ieraksti
I always question the fact that someone is selling an EA for $99 bucks, which can do over 300% ROI per month with low draw down. I just dont buy it, because IMO if it was the real deal then this EA would be worth hundreds or thousands of dollars.
Has anyone actually bought it and is making any money with this EA ??
Has anyone actually bought it and is making any money with this EA ??
Biedrs kopš
152 ieraksti
Dec 27, 2021 at 23:43
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152 ieraksti
Do you have a live account for this fx hOLLAND tRADER EA that you can show us results from ??
Biedrs kopš
72 ieraksti
Jan 16, 2022 at 13:35
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72 ieraksti
Do not trust results from "strategies" as they are backtested data that can be easily manipulated to achieve a better profit curve. Forward testing with at least a year's worth of history with real money under real world conditions in a fully verified account with a well known broker is the way to go.
Integrity is the seed for achievement. It is the principle that never fails. - Earl Nightingale
Biedrs kopš
28 ieraksti
Apr 08, 2022 at 20:32
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28 ieraksti
cgasucks posted:
Do not trust results from "strategies" as they are backtested data that can be easily manipulated to achieve a better profit curve. Forward testing with at least a year's worth of history with real money under real world conditions in a fully verified account with a well known broker is the way to go.
Agree. Results say more than a thousand words.
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