The services sector is the most important sector in Senegal's economy, accounting for 62% of total GDP. The major segments within services are internal trade (19%), administration, education, and health (12%), communications (11%), and real estate activities (6%). Other major sectors are the industrial sector (accounting for 23% of overall GDP), with construction (7%), food industries (5%), other industries (4%), and energy (3%) as the main segments within it. Furthermore, the primary sector accounts for 15% of GDP, with agriculture (9%) and livestock operations (4%).

A higher than expected figure should be seen as positive (bullish) for the XOF while a lower than expected figure should be seen as negative (bearish) for the XOF.

Source:  ANSD, Senegal
Vienības:  Percent
Ietekme: Zems
Valūta: XOF
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Datums: Mar 28, 09:30
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