Sorenbjerregaard trader's profile



Vārds Sorenbjerregaard

With a decade of dedication to the world of forex trading, I emerged as a seasoned professional in the field. Soren's journey through the currency markets has been marked by continuous learning and growth. Over the years, I have cultivated a profound understanding of the intricacies of forex trading.

My experience has seen him navigate through various market conditions, from volatile upheavals to more stable phases. These diverse experiences have allowed me to adapt my strategies and refine my approach to trading. With each trade, I gained invaluable insights from successes and setbacks, learning important lessons that have contributed to his growth as a trader.

Tirdzniecības Stils
Manual based on market movement.

Dream big, persist, and leave your mark on the world.

Pieredze Vairāk par 5 gadi

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Reģistrēts Oct 11, 2023 at 18:33

Blocked users 0

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Systems by Sorenbjerregaard

Vārds Pieaugums Kritums (Drawdown) Pipi Tirdzniecība Kredīta plecs Tips
Soren Bjerregaard 29218.60% 53.49% 110000.6 - 1:200 Reāls

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