I am originaly from Russia. I've graduated from a University as physicist (solid state electronics), then I studied under MBA program majoring in marketing.
I worked as a Marketing Director for a number of small and medium-size companies.

I started trading Forex in 2007. Since then I've changed a lot of brokers as well as instruments to trade and ultimately came to the conclusion, that there's no difference what to trade, but it makes the differece how to trade. Of course a good broker is very important. I got stuck with my current one which I am 7 years no with.
I have carried out my own and very unique method of analysis and trading. it is based on behavioural features of the trading community. Last year (2016) I ave finished and published my book "I am a trader. Speculative behaviouristics". It is in Russian but I plan to translate it into English and German. Don't know when yet.
Last year I started an I-net site where I publish my articles on trading and sell my book.
Tirdzniecības Stils
Behavioral trading, socio-dynamics analysis
Speculative behaviouristics


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