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ZuluTrade User Reviews
Biedrs kopš   49 ieraksti
Mar 29, 2011 at 09:40
I think this new alchemy feature is a brilliant idea! The only negative is that you cant see the capital each follower has. Because it is different to trade with $1000 and with $100,000 :)
Mar 24, 2011 at 12:26
Zulu has changed Rank on Performance page
Biedrs kopš   107 ieraksti
Mar 24, 2011 at 07:16
Very interesting!
Mar 24, 2011 at 07:14
Look at 'Max Open Trades'

Open huge open trades ,but live followers can not receive and These orders are part of PERFORMANCE

This is the most serious problems ...
Mar 24, 2011 at 07:09
A Provider Signal, How to make huge profits, 100% Winning trades, No loss

There are some signal providers make huge profits but no loss, why? Want to know ? ↓

The key is 'Padding Order' in MT4 and 'Repeated connection and disconnection zulu'

1. First SignUp a Signal Provider,and have a MT4 Demo Account that zulutrade Support,such as AAA fx,Alpari
2. Link the Signal Provider and MT4 account
3. The key : Open some Pending Order such as 100 pending order , the next Change MetaTrader4 account's investor password
Now, if your Pending Order Execution, but zulutrade is can not count,Because zulu account has been disconnected your MT4 Account
4. Now,Close your MT4 Loss of orders,Only have profitable orders, The next Repeat Part 2
Yes, Your orders is Only profitable orders in zulu

**** Repeat it,you will hava a perfect signal account,no loss,100% Winning trades,After 10 weeks,you will hava a Good ranking

****Look Signal Provider 'zulumaster1' 'BELONGTOYOU' 'Leto' and so on,
*** Becareful live followers
*** I have told zulu but they still does not solve the problem

sorry my poor English
Biedrs kopš   2 ieraksti
Mar 18, 2011 at 10:38
Good signal service! But needs a lot of 'homework' before it starts working :)
Biedrs kopš   107 ieraksti
Mar 10, 2011 at 08:44
Today, I can officially say that I got a refund from Zulutrade-AAAFx for different slippages I had on different trades.
It has never happened before to me...very good!!!!
My compliments to Zulutrade and AAAFx.
Biedrs kopš   49 ieraksti
Mar 03, 2011 at 13:17
I think he has a point...Saw it with fly on the wall when one day he was #18 the next he was lik #250 and when he started trading went back to #18. This has its goods and bads. Good is that you loose rank when you dont trade, bad is that you may do random, no strategy trades so you dont loose your ranking (provider wise).
Biedrs kopš   31 ieraksti
Mar 01, 2011 at 12:14

One thing you may not realize is that your fight had nothing at all to zulumaster1 being moved from rank 3 to rank 267, and then moving back to rank 4.
See, if a signal provider does not trade within 6 days it loses rank, when it starts trading again, the rank snaps back. I see it all of the time.
Biedrs kopš   49 ieraksti
Mar 01, 2011 at 11:52
Uhm I hope you dont represent RAS or something 😎
Seriously now, forex IS like playing on the casino, you never know how the market will move. Only about 20% actually win and the secret of the success is good money management, so even with zulu or RAS or zip, if you cant manage your money, again you will loose
Biedrs kopš   107 ieraksti
Feb 28, 2011 at 13:48

anacon posted:
  Pips do not mean anything. What you have to note is the possible LOSE or PROFIT in USD, nor PIPs.
You're right.
My AGIRE-FX-ITALY-POWER system is n. 7574 in Zulutrade ranking with a loss of 759 pips, but a gain in US dollar of 26.360!
That's because I have a different lot size allocation according to each pair.
Give a look here from the same MT4 platform I use on Zulutrade:
Biedrs kopš   8 ieraksti
Feb 28, 2011 at 11:40
I agree with you but in a general point of view, because in my opinion it is not possible to set your risk settings with Zulutrade. In my opinion they know perfectly it and they like it, because its business is like a CASINO, where they win regardless you lose your money.

It is not as simple as set your trading size to micro lots, mini lots or standard lots if your account is $1,000, $10,000 or $100,000. Nor to set your max lose in PIPs or any other calculation based on pips. Pips do not mean anything. What you have to note is the possible LOSE or PROFIT in USD, nor PIPs. You have to be able to know what you can lose for getting a profit in order to be able to decide.

This is the most difficult thing to be understood before starting with Forex trading. But the worst is not this, the worst with Zulutrade is that they are not showing the information needed, because it is a CASINO. They show in the home page only the number of PIPs win for each system, but as you know, you can win so many PIPs and actually be losing your pants. PIP value depends on symbol as well as lot size, I mean, 1 pip trading EURUSD 1k is $0.1, but $10 if you are trading 100k, so if you are trading with one system 100k and lose 1 pip, but win 10 pips with a 1k system, actually you have +9 pips and -$9.90.

Zulutrade shows the information just for helping you to lose your money quicklier, believe me, I experienced in my own pockets.

Anyway I firmly believe in trading with these kinds of websites, of course nor Zulutrade, but Rentasignal by the moment, where I started to trade with Autotrading last week and maybe Tradency. I didn' know about them but they seems to offer a similar trading system than these ones. I don't like ZIPSIGNALS because you have to pay a monthly fee and it is an entry price that I will not pay for finding reasonable signal providers. I also tried Collective2 and I was not be able to connect them with MT4, that is the software I use from some years ago.
Biedrs kopš   107 ieraksti
Feb 28, 2011 at 10:47 (labots Feb 28, 2011 at 10:48)
markopolo posted:
A thing id also like to stress is that you must be careful with your available margin and do proper money management, its not always the providers fault if something goes dont use mini lots in a $1000 account...i ve heard of cases using standard lots in $1000 accounts!

Absolutely right!
That's why in my AGIRE-FX-ITALY-5 profile there is written: 'This should be the lot size according to your capital: 1.000 USD = 0.01 (micro lot); 10.000 USD = 0.1 (mini lot); 100.000 USD = 1 (standard lot) and so on.'
Biedrs kopš   49 ieraksti
Feb 28, 2011 at 07:41
Its like you both say, the ranking does need improvement, in fact I dont really take it into account, the providers I use are not in the top 10, i ve already suggested how to pick good providers and I stick to this strategy myself. Also, I dont know if adding a 30min delay will solve this problem, the calculation formula just need to be changed...
A thing id also like to stress is that you must be careful with your available margin and do proper money management, its not always the providers fault if something goes dont use mini lots in a $1000 account...i ve heard of cases using standard lots in $1000 accounts!
Feb 25, 2011 at 14:56
This kind of cheating gimmick said, but ZuluTrade don't want to solve, ranking has lost impartiality, For once open a lot of the trades should be limited; Like Tradency,If you want to open the second postions must Waiting for 30 minutes.or the second and more postion is not calculated for performance.It is easy to solve in technology...
Biedrs kopš   107 ieraksti
Feb 25, 2011 at 13:41
What I can tell you from my personal experience as signal provider of AGIRE-FX-ITALY-5 system, now in the ranking is n. 195, but it has happened to be around 300 or 400 position with no new trade closed, with just with open trades.
I have never understood the way it works.
Biedrs kopš   8 ieraksti
Feb 25, 2011 at 11:11
Hi everyone,
I would like to let you know my experience with Zulutrade, where first I used the DEMO and then a REAL account. Well, if you use their DEMO, everything will be fine, so many trades, profitable of course, but just when you turn to REAL, everything changes. I tried to understand how they ranks their trades and I realiced the following issues.
1. AAAfx is their own broker, so take care with any information where AAAfx is involved.
2. They are managing the information in order to show only what they want.
3. Most of the signals they provide are just pips hunters looking for making trades and more trades with unlimited drawdowns. Of course these signals only works with DEMO accounts, nor REAL.
I will explain all I know about Zulutrade just reviewing one of their systems called ZULUMASTER1.
<a href='' target='_blank'><img src=''/></a>
a. It was ranked in 3rd position just till I started to fight with one of the Zulutrade's paid promoters called PETDIM. He/she works in other forums, such as Forex-TSD, maybe also here..., let's see.
b. Once I started to describe these issues that you will find below, Zulutrade ranked this signal to the position 267th, without any new single trade. Why? How is it possible that this signal wents from 3rd to 267th if it was having numbers like 2,681 followers, $1,855,662 total balance of live accounts, etc?
c. Now, after some time from this fight with the paid promoter of Zulutrade, this signal is again in 4th position... will be that signal specially interesting for Zulutrade?
d. Check the last account history pages of that signal. Is it possible? Of course it is, but when you see that ONLY in the last pages of 'some' signals, there are several trades with only profits and where there is not any single pip retracement in price..., it does not smell good, to be honest, it smells very very bad.
Well, it is my opinion and my proofs, I was one client of Zulutrade and of course everyone can lose his money where he wants. Zulu is one of the leader ways for doing that.
Feb 23, 2011 at 19:43

teapotted posted:
    Zulutrade is brilliant. I trade 14 live AAAfx accounts for friends and family, all with unbelievable results. There are some fantastic signal providers available, and if you have the ability to use their signals sensibly, then you will make good returns. This forum, like many others, is full of people who have not got a clue, but like to 'spout on' about how bad everything or everyone is.

Zulutrade are a means for you to use the trades of experts and as far as I am aware, they take no active part in the trades and, by the way, their live support is superb, as is that of AAAfx.

If you would like to leave a comment on my post, just tell me how much you think a good Monthly or Annual return on your investment would be, and I will tell you if that is achievable.

Ted, first of all is you think Zulu is brilliant then you are living in a dream world. They have some decent signal providers but its hard to find them. The big thing is that they are ALL VERY HIGH RISK signal providers, so if that's suites your high risk trading style, then knock yourself out. Any professional trader is this trading world of ours would never risk more than lets say a maximum of 5% of his account balance at any time, which you will never in a million yrs get from any Zulu signal provider. Take Fly on the Wall for example, he has the most number of traders and the most $ amount being traded with him, but his DD has been as high as 53% of account balance, so the choice is yours.

 I closed my account at AAA FX as I got the worst slippage on entry and exit of every trade, I have had accounts over the yrs at 22 different brokers and they are the worst broker I have ever used. If you look carefully at the log files and at each trade as they open and close, you will see that they slip up big time. But of course most of the traders using AAA FX dont know anything about this as everything is on auto pilot.
Biedrs kopš   3 ieraksti
Feb 23, 2011 at 18:45
Zulutrade is brilliant. I trade 14 live AAAfx accounts for friends and family, all with unbelievable results. There are some fantastic signal providers available, and if you have the ability to use their signals sensibly, then you will make good returns. This forum, like many others, is full of people who have not got a clue, but like to 'spout on' about how bad everything or everyone is.

Zulutrade are a means for you to use the trades of experts and as far as I am aware, they take no active part in the trades and, by the way, their live support is superb, as is that of AAAfx.

If you would like to leave a comment on my post, just tell me how much you think a good Monthly or Annual return on your investment would be, and I will tell you if that is achievable.
Biedrs kopš   15 ieraksti
Feb 17, 2011 at 10:41
Hi Renato

the commission is 0.5 pips - 5 $ per lot for a signal provider as well for affiliate,

the payment is in your page, in the mean wile i still didn't pull out my profits,

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