Pamm DJ
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Real (EUR), TopFX , 1:500 , MetaTrader 4

Drawdown: 99.93%

Balance: €229,525.12
Equity: (95.05%) €218,155.83
Highest: (Jun 07) €229,525.12
Profit: €50,290.60
Interest: -€11,498.93

Deposits: €200,771.11
Withdrawals: €21,536.59

Updated 6 minutes ago
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Gain (Difference) Profit (Difference) Pips (Difference) Win% (Difference) Trades (Difference) Lots (Difference)
Today +1.04% (+0.09%) €2,363.34 (+€228.39) +488.9 (+224.2) 93% (+28%) 30 (-56)
This Week +8.23% (+0.86%) €17,523.10 (+€2,727.79) +1,899.7 (+1,155.4) 70% (+7%) 390 (+64)
This Month +8.23% (-11.58%) €17,523.10 (-€18,110.95) +1,899.7 (-1,871.2) 70% (+2%) 390 (-693)
This Year +29.66% (+129.64%) €53,157.15 (+€56,023.70) +5,670.6 (+7,589.0) 69% (+4%) 1,473 (+736)
Data is private.
Trades: 2,210
Pips: 3,752.2
Average Win: 9.95 pips / €50.90
Average Loss: -15.99 pips / -€37.58
Lots :
Commissions: -€4,714.16
Longs Won: (760/1,142) 66%
Shorts Won: (747/1,068) 69%
Best Trade (€): (Jun 04) 2,687.81
Worst Trade (€): (May 22) -385.14
Best Trade (Pips): (Jun 04) 104.4
Worst Trade (Pips): (Apr 26) -250.5
Avg. Trade Length: 22h 9m
Profit Factor: 2.90
Standard Deviation: €128.995
Sharpe Ratio -0.06
Z-Score (Probability): -19.63 (99.99%)
Expectancy 1.7 Pips / €22.76
AHPR: -0.21%
GHPR: 0.01%
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Data includes last 200 transactions based on the analysed history.
Data includes last 200 transactions based on the analysed history.

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M.M. 1 276.43% 50.64% 9,619.0 - 1:500 Real
Wellness Pro2 486.26% 47.51% 18,440.1 - 1:500 Real
Algotrend 151.06% 63.33% 8,899.9 - 1:500 Real
Algotrend 1 163.01% 66.58% 12,882.4 - 1:500 Real
M.M. Turbo 321.10% 44.83% 18,762.6 - 1:500 Real
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Granesimo 166.50% 72.97% 8,678.6 - 1:500 Real
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ProSignal MP 200.46% 60.74% 1,819.8 - 1:500 Real
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Split Gold 42.89% 26.65% 4,133.0 - 1:500 Real
Maciste Spa 54.56% 63.48% 3,763.0 - 1:500 Real
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Dandoleros 55.79% 31.11% 3,436.9 - 1:500 Real
Scippio 47.14% 29.45% 3,296.0 - 1:500 Real
Anubis 27.63% 25.26% 2,534.3 - 1:500 Real
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Easy Money 16.90% 2.30% 1,497.4 - 1:500 Real
Grifondoro 5.55% 0.30% 772.4 - 1:500 Real
Account USV