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Real (USD), FBS , 1:1000 , MetaTrader 4

Drawdown: 13.81%

Balance: $2,096.10
Equity: (97.88%) $2,051.70
Highest: (Jun 04) $2,099.31
Profit: $121.54
Interest: -$2.53

Deposits: $1,974.56
Withdrawals: $0.00

Updated 1 Hour ago
Tracking 0
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Gain (Difference) Profit (Difference) Pips (Difference) Win% (Difference) Trades (Difference) Lots (Difference)
Today +0.44% (+0.00%) $9.14 (-$0.04) +45.7 (+23.2) 100% (+28%) 10 (-1) 0.20 (-0.05)
This Week +1.77% (+0.48%) $36.37 (+$10.15) +56.4 (+5.0) 80% (-1%) 35 (+13) 0.84 (+0.31)
This Month +1.77% (-8.28%) $36.37 (-$48.80) +56.4 (-189.4) 80% (-2%) 35 (-55) 0.84 (-1.14)
This Year +11.98% ( - ) $121.54 ( - ) +302.2 ( - ) 81% ( - ) 125 ( - ) 2.82 ( - )
Data is private.
Trades: 125
Pips: 302.2
Average Win: 7.48 pips / $2.19
Average Loss: -20.04 pips / -$4.43
Lots : 2.82
Commissions: $0.00
Longs Won: (45/55) 81%
Shorts Won: (57/70) 81%
Best Trade ($): (Jun 04) 28.92
Worst Trade ($): (Jun 04) -14.50
Best Trade (Pips): (Jun 04) 48.2
Worst Trade (Pips): (Jun 04) -72.5
Avg. Trade Length: 16h 39m
Profit Factor: 2.19
Standard Deviation: $4.654
Sharpe Ratio 0.14
Z-Score (Probability): -0.91 (63.73%)
Expectancy 2.4 Pips / $0.97
AHPR: 0.09%
GHPR: 0.05%
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Data includes last 200 transactions based on the analysed history.
Data includes last 200 transactions based on the analysed history.
Open Date Symbol Action Lots Open Price SL
Pips Swap Gain
06.07.2024 15:00 EURUSD Buy 0.02 1.08994 - 10.0 -17.78 -88.9 0.0 -0.85%
06.07.2024 15:30 EURUSD Buy 0.03 1.08645 - - -16.20 -54.0 0.0 -0.77%
06.07.2024 15:36 EURUSD Buy 0.04 1.08343 - - -9.52 -23.8 0.0 -0.45%
06.07.2024 18:30 EURUSD Sell 0.02 1.08071 - 10.0 -0.90 0.0 0.0 -0.04%
Total: 0.11 -$44.40 -166.7 0.00 -2.11%

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Name Gain Drawdown Pips Trading Leverage Type
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NVC 92.80% 15.79% 1,750.7 Automated 1:500 Real
LMA 101.72% 25.51% -273.7 Automated 1:500 Real
FPV 117.24% 16.79% 1,369.8 Automated 1:500 Real
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AIP2 44.86% 40.92% 982.7 - 1:500 Real
RAC 43.32% 13.23% 910.5 - 1:500 Real
AGDF 48.00% 13.71% 731.3 - 1:500 Real
MAL 31.65% 12.09% 445.3 - 1:500 Real
TGE 31.07% 37.41% 698.7 - 1:500 Real
PNK 28.13% 10.47% 169.9 - 1:500 Real
PNK2 29.33% 9.40% 486.2 - 1:500 Real
NVC9 36.84% 12.36% 199.9 - 1:500 Real
BEM 24.86% 11.74% -312.4 - 1:1000 Real
LUG2 14.69% 10.48% -301.0 - 1:500 Real
LUG3 22.18% 12.53% -461.8 - 1:500 Real
AGDF2 17.44% 12.35% -354.8 - 1:500 Real
PNK3 16.37% 10.99% -331.8 - 1:500 Real
PNK4 15.66% 10.87% -429.2 - 1:500 Real
REC2 30.77% 13.18% 46.1 - 1:500 Real
LAMB 15.68% 12.47% -314.4 - 1:500 Real
LAMB2 20.61% 15.69% -254.0 - 1:500 Real
LAMB3 16.14% 12.54% -111.6 - 1:500 Real
LAG 15.03% 11.84% -385.4 - 1:500 Real
JMCG 13.92% 11.63% -274.1 - 1:500 Real
CUENTA EURO/USD BOT NUEVO LHSN 9.41% 6.85% 399.4 - 1:500 Demo
FOB 17.08% 18.65% -1,017.2 - 1:500 Real
FOB2 15.58% 9.54% -397.5 - 1:500 Real
FOB3 17.15% 17.35% -1,012.8 - 1:500 Real
FOB4 19.11% 21.55% -1,208.7 - 1:500 Real
FOB5 16.70% 16.97% -891.2 - 1:500 Real
LAS 8.80% 7.22% -143.5 - 1:500 Real
LAS2 8.99% 7.26% -171.7 - 1:500 Real
LAS3 9.07% 7.21% -242.4 - 1:500 Real
LAS4 9.62% 8.80% -249.7 - 1:500 Real
SAC 16.22% 12.02% -657.6 - 1:500 Real
NIA 20.23% 7.38% -43.7 - 1:1000 Real
CMC 17.30% 13.46% -651.0 - 1:500 Real
CMC2 12.21% 9.86% -513.6 - 1:500 Real
CMC3 11.54% 9.83% -596.8 - 1:500 Real
MNM 12.06% 9.88% -412.5 - 1:500 Real
MAV 21.31% 10.27% -539.3 - 1:500 Real
MAV2 20.03% 10.37% 89.7 - 1:500 Real
MAV3 33.76% 10.48% 651.7 - 1:500 Real
MAV4 7.09% 13.03% -530.6 - 1:500 Real
MAV5 6.71% 7.13% -117.3 - 1:500 Real
MAV6 6.66% 7.42% 158.9 - 1:500 Real
MAV7 7.13% 6.35% 234.9 - 1:500 Real
MAV8 6.15% 5.81% 91.9 - 1:500 Real
MAV9 6.68% 8.90% -20.8 - 1:500 Real
FPV3 33.87% 15.08% 555.9 - 1:500 Real
FPV4 17.89% 12.04% -502.8 - 1:500 Real
MJR 6.06% 6.40% 103.8 - 1:500 Real
The Algorithm Company EURUSD 15.85% 3.70% 548.6 - 1:1000 Real
DSB 27.07% 13.17% -388.7 - 1:1000 Real
AGL 12.11% 8.48% -184.4 - 1:1000 Real
AGS 6.16% 7.90% 131.8 - 1:500 Real
GUW 1.02% 1.10% 113.9 - 1:500 Real
ROP 5.57% 7.73% 170.7 - 1:500 Real
ALA 3.99% 1.03% 547.6 - 1:1000 Real
JCC 4.54% 2.29% 494.6 - 1:500 Real
CMC3 5.17% 5.27% 93.8 - 1:1000 Real
CMC4 5.43% 6.03% 33.0 - 1:1000 Real
BDC 29.69% 11.22% -371.6 - 1:500 Real
BDC2 6.32% 3.47% 320.8 - 1:1000 Real
AGM 14.92% 10.64% -639.8 - 1:500 Real
LHSN EURUSD 2.64% 2.99% 208.0 - 1:500 Real
IGM 6.90% 3.65% 329.4 - 1:1000 Real
MPA 1.97% 1.17% 269.0 - 1:500 Real
BCP 1.60% 0.67% 270.4 - 1:1000 Real
NIL 3.91% 0.86% 501.3 - 1:1000 Real
INF 2.56% 0.81% 364.2 - 1:500 Real
INF2 1.45% 0.68% 141.6 - 1:500 Real
MER 1.65% 1.92% 132.3 - 1:500 Real
NPA 1.34% 3.36% 97.1 - 1:1000 Real
Account USV