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Newcomers and demo trading
会员从Jul 23, 2020开始
Apr 07, 2022 at 06:22
会员从Jul 23, 2020开始
There is no need to describe the importance of demo trading again. You know new traders don’t have sufficient trading knowledge and demo trading is the only way a trader can develop themselves. Traders can recover their mistakes through demo trading and also generate new ideas by demo trading.
会员从Feb 16, 2022开始
Apr 08, 2022 at 07:02
会员从Feb 16, 2022开始
Maximum traders don’t trade in demo acciount and its’ their fault. They take demo trading as a very simple factor. But this demo trading strengthens the basement of a trader. Expert traders also use demo account to retain their expertism for a long time.
Apr 12, 2022 at 10:03
会员从Apr 04, 2022开始
Demo is a boon for every trader, especially beginners. Every beginner should start from demo trading as it teaches you a lot about trading. If you start trading without trying out a demo account then it’s gonna be very tough for you to understand the functioning and mechanisms of the market.
会员从Aug 10, 2021开始
会员从Jul 23, 2020开始
Apr 13, 2022 at 05:24
会员从Jul 23, 2020开始
Beginners should not jump onto trading directly rather they should first focus on learning as much as possible. It’s because if they initially get losses, they will lose their thirst from trading in Forex. They should make demo trading their trading partner because demo trading will help them by catching their mistakes.
会员从Jun 12, 2021开始
Apr 17, 2022 at 23:27
会员从Apr 03, 2021开始
Demo trading is very important for beginner traders where they need to learn without any risk through a demo trading account, almost broker provides demo trading account for learning purposes using virtual money, but work on real market condition, demo trading will useful if trader seriously to use demo trading.
会员从Aug 10, 2021开始
会员从Jun 26, 2020开始
会员从Apr 14, 2022开始
Apr 19, 2022 at 10:15
会员从Apr 14, 2022开始
Demo trading helps the traders to be familiar with the platform on which they have to trade-in. It is good for newbies as they do not have any experience in trading so they can get to know a lot from these demo trading processes. A bonus point is that they can trade in it and explore it without being stressed about the losses, after all, there is no real money involved in demo trading.
Apr 22, 2022 at 06:45
会员从Apr 18, 2022开始
Beginning as a newcomer in forex trading can be challenging, I would recommend going through different terminologies and concepts from the internet. At first, it can be tough to understand the trading analysis and charting patterns but there's always an option to opt for a demo trading until you are comfortable with risking real money.
会员从Apr 14, 2022开始
会员从Jul 23, 2020开始
Apr 24, 2022 at 06:22
会员从Jul 23, 2020开始
Antal537828 posted:
Demo is really good for any kinds of traders especially for newcomers. i use all my trading strategies in demo to see the performance how it works.
Perfect, that's the advantage of demo trading account! Actually, right now I'm using my real account but till now I need to use the demo, know why? Because I always try to modify my existing trading systems! So, demo account is my ultimate choice!
会员从Jun 12, 2021开始
Apr 25, 2022 at 12:15
会员从Apr 14, 2022开始
It is always good to practise on a demo account before risking the real money. But some new traders are skipping this step which may not cause any problems if they are good at trading to begin with. Also, being good at trading with a demo account does not indicate that you will be good at trading with a real account too since a demo account is very much different from an actual trading account. Even the strategies that worked perfectly in your demo account may fall apart when you use them in real trading. Still it is better to test your skills in a demo account and it is a lot of fun too.
