"Abs. Gains" should be the main metric and appear before "Gains"投票结果
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"Abs. Gains" should be the main metric and appear before "Gains"讨论
会员从Nov 07, 2019开始
Feb 01, 2021 at 17:36
会员从Nov 07, 2019开始
I know both metrics are important, but.....
I've been reading through the forums and the "Gains" field seems to be confusing a lot of traders and extra deposits can inflate this number(can mislead people).
Profits based on total deposits seems to be the real metric that traders care about, and won't be inflated with extra deposits.
Has this been considered?
I've been reading through the forums and the "Gains" field seems to be confusing a lot of traders and extra deposits can inflate this number(can mislead people).
Profits based on total deposits seems to be the real metric that traders care about, and won't be inflated with extra deposits.
Has this been considered?
会员从Dec 16, 2020开始
会员从Nov 21, 2011开始
