Commitments of Traders Historical Report for July 03, 2012

Financial Futures

Non-Commercial Positions Commercial Positions Non-Reportable Positions Dealer Positions Asset Manager Positions Leveraged Funds Positions
Name open interest Long Short Long Short Long Short Long Short Long Short Long Short
AUD 125706 50125 40777 58014 62192 17391 22561 40663 14869 2440 44438 58816 38531
BRL 17905 14821 14965 2711 1970 308 905 16200 1501 404 945 735 968
CAD 93160 22923 14225 40158 49308 29095 28643 20455 9013 20510 34259 7773 14523
CHF 53322 5263 24323 40821 8245 7238 20754 19172 8102 1954 1464 23438 22653
EUR 302289 32236 178413 235912 54541 31947 67141 92856 16184 49586 37213 61617 162223
GBP 108208 32208 37561 58748 42419 16695 27671 16658 5362 9415 33614 43629 26848
JPY 117403 36950 32775 66299 48531 14041 35984 9493 16444 58798 7667 33291 38393
MXN 132669 40604 23129 87610 104402 3744 4427 63240 49182 20283 1255 42292 56472
NZD 20483 9862 5542 7158 12967 3329 1840 5421 11739 427 261 10875 5244
RUB 104539 4712 6325 94731 92724 222 616 50935 56278 1963 0 2818 1253

Commodity Futures

Non-Commercial Positions Commercial Positions Non-Reportable Positions Producer/Merchant/Processor/User Positions Swap Dealers Positions Managed Money Positions
Name open interest Long Short Long Short Long Short Long Short Long Short Long Short
Crude Oil 192464 61879 19586 89812 121137 39893 50861 29859 14604 38132 84712 8388 0
Silver 122128 28662 18956 45803 63157 20684 13036 20159 53815 22013 5711 20116 13974
Gold 425068 187263 50048 154926 321563 54162 24740 80343 236464 50550 61066 125464 29245
Copper 135682 37821 51039 74476 53138 11292 19412 8917 31525 57548 13602 31702 33456
Palladium 21977 13376 8793 6671 11040 1408 1622 1180 9106 5475 1918 9907 6459
Platinum 49442 34947 14919 9158 31651 5032 2567 3712 20693 5260 10772 24107 12494
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