Commitments of Traders Historical Report for October 06, 2015

Financial Futures

Non-Commercial Positions Commercial Positions Non-Reportable Positions Dealer Positions Asset Manager Positions Leveraged Funds Positions
Name open interest Long Short Long Short Long Short Long Short Long Short Long Short
AUD 139935 41592 82431 83503 20718 13862 35808 99230 9304 4575 21591 16187 43145
BRL 27787 20376 22183 6215 3759 1003 1652 16378 7164 2395 0 6344 14788
CAD 121676 29276 64286 69479 17933 21242 37778 48574 2469 31008 26618 8389 51159
CHF 38826 12406 16376 18469 3310 7822 19011 20863 919 816 1365 8678 16884
EUR 337606 65410 154220 222477 113970 42037 61734 93918 20727 74185 93002 39560 101991
GBP 160373 47700 52233 91391 72503 19569 33924 71364 1652 13652 76559 49809 32762
JPY 170780 39050 56649 107023 76265 20783 33942 70954 7423 23022 52058 28235 64945
MXN 119424 50942 56185 61132 52024 2947 6812 54237 54173 10499 4273 44318 36031
NZD 31930 18357 19328 11860 6426 1513 5976 22227 3620 1626 5608 5195 14176
RUB 38859 1487 1615 36358 36718 1014 526 29160 30381 1401 0 1210 2350

Commodity Futures

Non-Commercial Positions Commercial Positions Non-Reportable Positions Producer/Merchant/Processor/User Positions Swap Dealers Positions Managed Money Positions
Name open interest Long Short Long Short Long Short Long Short Long Short Long Short
Crude Oil 131309 71568 7563 39927 63304 16833 57461 16901 9640 13845 44483 10561 1355
Silver 156226 68838 28052 48944 98446 21484 12768 13833 48857 25910 40388 49621 21469
Gold 430228 191000 104181 148424 236893 33509 31859 25741 92163 63322 85369 115414 69576
Copper 153387 54617 66165 72020 55486 13040 18026 25042 49777 43932 2663 34763 35733
Palladium 26430 18887 7042 5714 17571 1484 1472 2339 12852 3118 4462 15683 4093
Platinum 74919 51401 31210 15430 38077 6248 3792 7141 27011 7566 10343 30020 21339
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