Technical changes are improvements to the system. In psychological way you look for your weaknesses, and when you find them, you treat working on them as a … step forward.

Most people when confronted with their weaknesses prefer to turn away and close their eyes. Often because they are a threat to our good self-image, the good opinion we have of ourselves.

The best ones do things differently, they know that finding and fixing their weaknesses will translate into lighter work and better financial results in the future.

Example: holding a position to TP or closing it technically (according to the system rules) and not because of the emotions the market caused in us.

Slowly removing weaknesses and building strength in many places adds up to a whole new quality.

That is why the best traders are happy when they find something and are sure that it is something important: they have something concrete to work with.

The best traders are constantly evolving and learning, and this is more important than ever.
Huge Changes, New Ideas & Decline Of Traditional Investing