WHO trades forex for more than 10 years and keeps making regular profits

Jul 04, 2018 at 06:59
27,469 Просмотры
281 Replies
Участник с Oct 23, 2014   83 комментариев
Dec 14, 2019 at 01:04
keeping things in perspective.trading forex full time is a career and profession.other professions like doctors and in science require many thousands of hours learning and training on job so why should trading be any different.?since most are doing learning and trading part time why holding down a job;10 years and many more learning to get a degree to print money should equate to a lot of time in training.in fact we are are doing less intensive training with probably way less hours in study; and in pressure and stress too ;to some degree.i trade as a hobby ;with knowledge each mistake is one less to make till happy with results; that differ from person to person.there are few shortcuts in this business.at least trading there is no student loan to pay off as trading should only be with excess expenses and not loans.on a weekly basis cost is also not great on a persons budget.i am looking for high risks/rewards trading as have work retirement schemes that average single digits per year.also even losing money is interesting ;because no moans losing money at a casino;they know the risks. in forex it seems different to people.is it because people study a system hard then fails;the pain of losing is worst;than just straight out gambilng?
Участник с Dec 15, 2019   3 комментариев
Dec 15, 2019 at 07:21
I am in the Market more than 10years and Making Profit....
Участник с May 16, 2018   5 комментариев
Dec 16, 2019 at 03:32
please show a trading history, only MT5 screenshots are more convincing than telling a lot
Участник с Dec 15, 2019   3 комментариев
Dec 16, 2019 at 05:08
Thanks did you want ten year back story? screenshot?
Участник с Jul 08, 2019   57 комментариев
Dec 16, 2019 at 06:24
I've invented ATM Machine for over the 10 years, it works all kind of market situations all the times.
Keep watching pls.
Участник с Nov 08, 2011   93 комментариев
Dec 16, 2019 at 16:00
jabed777 posted:
Thanks did you want ten year back story? screenshot?

If you have a 10yr history to share, I would like to see it for sure.
test the waters, before you dive in
Участник с Feb 25, 2018   5 комментариев
Dec 16, 2019 at 17:44
GlobalScalper posted:
I've invented ATM Machine for over the 10 years, it works all kind of market situations all the times.
Keep watching pls.

So you mean it works when you have 5 demo and the only one real cent account with the huge amount (215) of opened orders on it?
Участник с Mar 18, 2019   98 комментариев
Dec 20, 2019 at 14:11
livegood3 posted:
jabed777 posted:
Thanks did you want ten year back story? screenshot?

If you have a 10yr history to share, I would like to see it for sure.

me too. i am curious to know how you learnt- for free or paid courses?
Участник с Jan 16, 2017   3 комментариев
Dec 24, 2019 at 01:01
Gowaletasia posted:
I would like to ask if there is a forex trader more than 10 years old and still generate regular profit here ?
I'm sorry to ask this
because I see the portfolio of several forex winners here on other contests they lose a lot, inconsistent
my opinion for long term 100% forex traders must have lost
therefore many brokers give a lot of bonuses
please let me know if my opinion is wrong

Are you looking to invest?
Участник с Jan 16, 2017   3 комментариев
Dec 24, 2019 at 07:58
@GlobalScalper Not bad
Участник с Dec 18, 2019   38 комментариев
Dec 28, 2019 at 05:27
20 years and still accumulating And withdrawing profits
Участник с Nov 08, 2011   93 комментариев
Dec 29, 2019 at 17:08
ProfitableRisks posted:
20 years and still accumulating And withdrawing profits

Do you have a REAL account history to back up what your saying...or even 1 yr history? All I see is a demo a couple weeks old.
test the waters, before you dive in
Участник с Jul 08, 2019   57 комментариев
Dec 29, 2019 at 18:59
@Gowaletasia I agree with you 99.99% Forex traders are loser after 5 years

@ice_berg_33 Thanks

@sdr23 Keep monitoring pls
Участник с Dec 30, 2019   17 комментариев
Jan 08, 2020 at 02:48 (отредактировано Jan 08, 2020 at 02:49)
hayqinsb posted:
I have been trading for eight years. Been making money consistently for last 4 years. I only see that number increasing as I cant see myself lose money again.

any tips?
Участник с Oct 25, 2012   63 комментариев
Jan 09, 2020 at 15:10
I cannot say that I have been trading for 10 years.
However, I have been trading for 8 years, out of which I traded full time from 2012 through to 2014 on a harmonic patterns strategy as well as for a whole year in 2015.
Only recently have I taken it up again on a serious level but not full time (several hours a week).
I initially, like most other traders, was searching for the best signal service, best strategy, best indicator, where I tried thousands in the hope of finding the holy grail. There were numerous times where I was sure I had found the correct methodology, only to then be outdone by very poor trade plans. I was shooting for the stars, listening to all the rhetoric that I had heard online, believing that I could outperform anyone, even the greatest - how idiotic of myself. I was so sure of what I would achieve that I completely ignored the steps required to achieve them. The one thing that let me down at the start was my inability to hold out on my winners and therefore my average would be usually half of my average loss.
After I got over this hump I was then further held back by overtrading and 'chasing the market' particularly after a loss - rather than looking at the market in a strategic and naked way (price action).
I took a break from trading and focused on finding a job in the financial markets sector, which I can say that I have successfuly sought, although in more of an IT than pure markets role. Nontheless, this helped me think about what was really important to me and also re-evaluate my expectations from trading as it was something that I did want to eventually go back into.
I came across a very basic price action strategy and did some back-testing towards the middle of last year as well as some demo trading (which I must admit I found quite unmotivating as I would rather use real money). After three months of demo trading, and positive results, I took the system live.
I used a fairly small amount of capital to ensure that I do not let emotions get the better of me as well as not being too overconfident and trusting. I do, however, maintain that trust in my strategy but what I have learnt is that you cannot just rely on your strategy and apply it in a binary method. There will be an element of having a view on the market and that is sometimes subjective. It helps decide whether I stay in or out of the market on any given day.
My system went live in November, it's a manual system by the way, and within 2 weeks I was just under 15% up for the month, however, as I was still trialling my system, I decided to take on some alternative strategies along with my current strategy and did up giving a sizeable chunk back to the market. I ended up around 1% down for the month of November (my first month witht the adoption of this strategy). It was hard to take as I was continuously thinking 'what if I had stuck to this, or not done that, or traded this pair more, and this pair less, etc, etc). I decided that it would be important to review all my trades and do some deeper analysis into the rationale for the trade and the overall market view.
I cannot stress how important it is to review your trades and document them. It is easy to screenshot but it is a lot more time consuming and beneficial to carry out some quantitative research into the behaviour of the trades. It is simply invaluable. I have even managed to become more aware of my feelings when I am trading and I can distinguish when I have a gambler's mentality or a trader's mindset. There is that feeling in your stomach which is hard to explain.
Nonetheless, I took the time out to examine what had gone wrong and also decided to select what I trade more carefully which was tricky at first but necessary.
I managed to generate just shy of 4% during the month of December and in this volatile and rocky first week of January I have generated 14%
It is easy to get ahead of yourself in this game but the one thing to remember is that nothing is decided in a day. Trading is a long-term game and it requires a very level headed psyche. I could go on for hours but what I will recommend to everyone, and I'm sure the more experienced traders have said this, is to focus on price action trading or really keeping your system as simple as possible with minimal reliance on indicators.
I wish everyone on this thread well, happy trading, and never stop learning.
May the odds be ever in your favour.
When you lose, don't lose the Lesson
Участник с Jan 17, 2017   10 комментариев
Jan 10, 2020 at 14:07
sareen posted:
I cannot say that I have been trading for 10 years.
However, I have been trading for 8 years, out of which I traded full time from 2012 through to 2014 on a harmonic patterns strategy as well as for a whole year in 2015.
Only recently have I taken it up again on a serious level but not full time (several hours a week).
I initially, like most other traders, was searching for the best signal service, best strategy, best indicator, where I tried thousands in the hope of finding the holy grail. There were numerous times where I was sure I had found the correct methodology, only to then be outdone by very poor trade plans. I was shooting for the stars, listening to all the rhetoric that I had heard online, believing that I could outperform anyone, even the greatest - how idiotic of myself. I was so sure of what I would achieve that I completely ignored the steps required to achieve them. The one thing that let me down at the start was my inability to hold out on my winners and therefore my average would be usually half of my average loss.
After I got over this hump I was then further held back by overtrading and 'chasing the market' particularly after a loss - rather than looking at the market in a strategic and naked way (price action).
I took a break from trading and focused on finding a job in the financial markets sector, which I can say that I have successfuly sought, although in more of an IT than pure markets role. Nontheless, this helped me think about what was really important to me and also re-evaluate my expectations from trading as it was something that I did want to eventually go back into.
I came across a very basic price action strategy and did some back-testing towards the middle of last year as well as some demo trading (which I must admit I found quite unmotivating as I would rather use real money). After three months of demo trading, and positive results, I took the system live.
I used a fairly small amount of capital to ensure that I do not let emotions get the better of me as well as not being too overconfident and trusting. I do, however, maintain that trust in my strategy but what I have learnt is that you cannot just rely on your strategy and apply it in a binary method. There will be an element of having a view on the market and that is sometimes subjective. It helps decide whether I stay in or out of the market on any given day.
My system went live in November, it's a manual system by the way, and within 2 weeks I was just under 15% up for the month, however, as I was still trialling my system, I decided to take on some alternative strategies along with my current strategy and did up giving a sizeable chunk back to the market. I ended up around 1% down for the month of November (my first month witht the adoption of this strategy). It was hard to take as I was continuously thinking 'what if I had stuck to this, or not done that, or traded this pair more, and this pair less, etc, etc). I decided that it would be important to review all my trades and do some deeper analysis into the rationale for the trade and the overall market view.
I cannot stress how important it is to review your trades and document them. It is easy to screenshot but it is a lot more time consuming and beneficial to carry out some quantitative research into the behaviour of the trades. It is simply invaluable. I have even managed to become more aware of my feelings when I am trading and I can distinguish when I have a gambler's mentality or a trader's mindset. There is that feeling in your stomach which is hard to explain.
Nonetheless, I took the time out to examine what had gone wrong and also decided to select what I trade more carefully which was tricky at first but necessary.
I managed to generate just shy of 4% during the month of December and in this volatile and rocky first week of January I have generated 14%
It is easy to get ahead of yourself in this game but the one thing to remember is that nothing is decided in a day. Trading is a long-term game and it requires a very level headed psyche. I could go on for hours but what I will recommend to everyone, and I'm sure the more experienced traders have said this, is to focus on price action trading or really keeping your system as simple as possible with minimal reliance on indicators.
I wish everyone on this thread well, happy trading, and never stop learning.
May the odds be ever in your favour.

Very good post. I wish you the very best of trading in 2020
Участник с Sep 13, 2017   140 комментариев
Jan 11, 2020 at 09:53
I've been trading full time since 2010. The biggest issue that I've faced is actually slippage. Eventually some event pushes price way beyond your stoploss making your strategy look like it's no longer valid. I can still make money and recover from these anomalies but I know deep down inside that the markets will do something in the future leading to losses way larger than what we bargained for.

If anyone knows of a platform that actually sends our pending orders to the liquidity providers, please PM me. Most platforms execute our orders (any order type) at market orders once price is reached.
Be humble
Участник с Jul 08, 2019   57 комментариев
Jan 16, 2020 at 20:12
@Curran, It's really glad to hear your story 😄
I'd love to know what's the update of your strategy ?
Участник с Mar 18, 2019   98 комментариев
Jan 23, 2020 at 13:35
sareen posted:
I cannot say that I have been trading for 10 years.
However, I have been trading for 8 years, out of which I traded full time from 2012 through to 2014 on a harmonic patterns strategy as well as for a whole year in 2015.
Only recently have I taken it up again on a serious level but not full time (several hours a week).
I initially, like most other traders, was searching for the best signal service, best strategy, best indicator, where I tried thousands in the hope of finding the holy grail. There were numerous times where I was sure I had found the correct methodology, only to then be outdone by very poor trade plans. I was shooting for the stars, listening to all the rhetoric that I had heard online, believing that I could outperform anyone, even the greatest - how idiotic of myself. I was so sure of what I would achieve that I completely ignored the steps required to achieve them. The one thing that let me down at the start was my inability to hold out on my winners and therefore my average would be usually half of my average loss.
After I got over this hump I was then further held back by overtrading and 'chasing the market' particularly after a loss - rather than looking at the market in a strategic and naked way (price action).
I took a break from trading and focused on finding a job in the financial markets sector, which I can say that I have successfuly sought, although in more of an IT than pure markets role. Nontheless, this helped me think about what was really important to me and also re-evaluate my expectations from trading as it was something that I did want to eventually go back into.
I came across a very basic price action strategy and did some back-testing towards the middle of last year as well as some demo trading (which I must admit I found quite unmotivating as I would rather use real money). After three months of demo trading, and positive results, I took the system live.
I used a fairly small amount of capital to ensure that I do not let emotions get the better of me as well as not being too overconfident and trusting. I do, however, maintain that trust in my strategy but what I have learnt is that you cannot just rely on your strategy and apply it in a binary method. There will be an element of having a view on the market and that is sometimes subjective. It helps decide whether I stay in or out of the market on any given day.
My system went live in November, it's a manual system by the way, and within 2 weeks I was just under 15% up for the month, however, as I was still trialling my system, I decided to take on some alternative strategies along with my current strategy and did up giving a sizeable chunk back to the market. I ended up around 1% down for the month of November (my first month witht the adoption of this strategy). It was hard to take as I was continuously thinking 'what if I had stuck to this, or not done that, or traded this pair more, and this pair less, etc, etc). I decided that it would be important to review all my trades and do some deeper analysis into the rationale for the trade and the overall market view.
I cannot stress how important it is to review your trades and document them. It is easy to screenshot but it is a lot more time consuming and beneficial to carry out some quantitative research into the behaviour of the trades. It is simply invaluable. I have even managed to become more aware of my feelings when I am trading and I can distinguish when I have a gambler's mentality or a trader's mindset. There is that feeling in your stomach which is hard to explain.
Nonetheless, I took the time out to examine what had gone wrong and also decided to select what I trade more carefully which was tricky at first but necessary.
I managed to generate just shy of 4% during the month of December and in this volatile and rocky first week of January I have generated 14%
It is easy to get ahead of yourself in this game but the one thing to remember is that nothing is decided in a day. Trading is a long-term game and it requires a very level headed psyche. I could go on for hours but what I will recommend to everyone, and I'm sure the more experienced traders have said this, is to focus on price action trading or really keeping your system as simple as possible with minimal reliance on indicators.
I wish everyone on this thread well, happy trading, and never stop learning.
May the odds be ever in your favour.

wow you are inspiring mate. wishing you all the best for your trading journey this year!
Участник с Sep 04, 2018   4 комментариев
Jan 26, 2020 at 10:03
Gowaletasia posted:
I would like to ask if there is a forex trader more than 10 years old and still generate regular profit here ?
I'm sorry to ask this
because I see the portfolio of several forex winners here on other contests they lose a lot, inconsistent
my opinion for long term 100% forex traders must have lost
therefore many brokers give a lot of bonuses
please let me know if my opinion is wrong

I am into forex for 13 years now. I have lost a lot . But making consistent profits in recent years and doing portfolio management. The key is to never give up. Thanks.
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