Basic mistake we make

Feb 12, 2021 at 11:29
Vistas 6,561
148 Replies
Miembro desde Jan 10, 2022   posts 40
Jan 14, 2022 at 04:28
The basic mistake that most traders make is that they don't do any research before they buy. First, you have to know how the economy works and what effect it has on the price of a currency. You have to have a plan on how you are going to trade before you buy anything, don't just go out and do it. This will make a trader more successful in his trading career.
Miembro desde Jun 12, 2021   posts 132
Jan 14, 2022 at 07:31
the first mistake is , all we traders think this is place where it is possible to make rich overnight , as a result we trade at random and at the end of the day lost whole equity.
Miembro desde Jan 14, 2022   posts 10
Jan 14, 2022 at 09:44
AndrewMcCalam54 posted:
the first mistake is , all we traders think this is place where it is possible to make rich overnight , as a result we trade at random and at the end of the day lost whole equity.
Over confidence and lack of knowledge that is the base reason so many trader lose. When will people learn that you can only get rich through hard work
Miembro desde Jan 07, 2022   posts 16
Jan 18, 2022 at 07:41
The basic mistake that new traders make is that they are not prepared with the research and knowledge needed to make an informed decision. Inexperienced traders are often not ready for the emotional roller coaster associated with trading. This leads them to make rash decisions that end up costing them a lot of money.
Miembro desde Jan 04, 2021   posts 12
Jan 22, 2022 at 14:19
It is true, however, it is very difficult to keep on learning without having any results for a long time. This thing should be dealt on your own and there are some moments when you have just learn and get new knowledge whatever happens and after it you will be able to trade safely and efficiently.
Miembro desde Feb 16, 2022   posts 67
Feb 25, 2022 at 15:48
Michihito posted:
I find that one of the basic mistakes of new traders is their focus only on earning money. It is better in the beginning that your focus is on learning and gaining necessary experience in order to make one profitable strategy, then on simply chasing profits.
I see, most of the new traders use SL & TP in their initial trading stage; it’s a big mistake! If you are trading without any SL position, that means you are taking near about 100% risk ratio! Which is illogical!
Miembro desde Apr 18, 2020   posts 54
Feb 26, 2022 at 10:19
According to me, the basic mistake traders make is not understanding the market properly and letting the emotions in while trading.
Miembro desde Feb 15, 2022   posts 219
Feb 28, 2022 at 08:18
Michihito posted:
I find that one of the basic mistakes of new traders is their focus only on earning money. It is better in the beginning that your focus is on learning and gaining necessary experience in order to make one profitable strategy, then on simply chasing profits.
You are absolutely right, even I see a number of traders try make money by using others signal or trading system! It’s not a proper way to make money in this volatile arena! New traders need to focus on only learning, instead of earning!
Miembro desde Aug 10, 2021   posts 178
Mar 02, 2022 at 03:43
Greed and impatience are always recurrent issues in Forex trading, and all traders should learn how to control their feelings. In the past, I have made many mistakes, but now I am trying to get better by always learning from them to become a better trader.
Miembro desde Feb 18, 2022   posts 15
Mar 08, 2022 at 07:07
New traders are eager to make money, but they don’t understand the efforts required to become a profitable trader. Thus, many fail to focus on developing skills and take uncalculated market risks which makes them lose money.

Miembro desde Mar 08, 2022   posts 15
Mar 08, 2022 at 12:27
Not setting the right strategy or not placing a stop losses can be a biggest challenges that anyone can make.
Miembro desde May 31, 2021   posts 48
Mar 09, 2022 at 06:21
JoanneCesser posted:
The basic mistakes traders make are that they keep trading when they lose their investment instead of waiting and don't use Stop Loss order.
Yeah, trading without using stop loss is the biggest mistake traders do and they end up blowing their accounts.
Miembro desde Aug 10, 2021   posts 178
Mar 10, 2022 at 14:58
Both beginners and experienced traders can make mistakes. The key is to be able to work on them and react to them in a timely manner.
Miembro desde Oct 27, 2020   posts 16
Mar 17, 2022 at 08:19
I agree with your point! When traders start trading, they are so focused on making money rather than developing their skill. In the early days of their trading, all traders should give time to understanding forex concepts — trading psychology, risk management, and how to make better trading strategies.
Miembro desde Feb 16, 2022   posts 119
Mar 19, 2022 at 06:27
A forex traders is infected with several basic mistakes that he or she needs to get rid of. Using absurd leverage and news trading without proper market analysis are two of those, which are frequently seen among traders committing. A trader cannot do well in trading until he comes out of such mistakes.
Miembro desde Mar 11, 2022   posts 51
Mar 22, 2022 at 05:16
I consider lack of proper trading knowledge to be the basic mistake committed by traders. Traders also lack seriousness towards trading. Despite understanding the market’s volatility, many traders take it lightly. It is paramount to build forex foundations to become a successful trader.
Miembro desde Aug 21, 2021   posts 61
Mar 22, 2022 at 09:39
jambeau posted:
I consider lack of proper trading knowledge to be the basic mistake committed by traders. Traders also lack seriousness towards trading. Despite understanding the market’s volatility, many traders take it lightly. It is paramount to build forex foundations to become a successful trader.
Absolutely, knowledge is very important if you are trying to make it in your trading experience, else you will be stuck the very same of going wrong all over your trading.
Miembro desde Apr 09, 2019   posts 538
Mar 22, 2022 at 10:53
Knowledge is vital for directed practice. But too few bother with either of these.
If you can't spot the liquidity then you are the liquidity.
Miembro desde Jul 23, 2020   posts 869
Mar 23, 2022 at 06:52
Over trading, revenge trading, taking high leverage in trading are some common mistakes that a trader frequently make. Success remains untouchable as long as traders can’t come out of those mistakes. Strategy-based trading should be the first choice of a trader. A trader should avoid trading when the market condition is unstable.
Miembro desde Mar 17, 2022   posts 29
Mar 23, 2022 at 07:41
Ignoring forex education is the basic mistake traders commit. Forex market is full of risks. And without complete education, you can’t make money in forex.
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