Systems Vs Signal Providers

May 15 at 07:20
76 개의 뷰
1 Replies
May 13, 2024 부터 멤버   게시물2
May 15 at 07:20
Hello, Im new to My fx book. What is the difference between copying a system than copying a signal provider on My fx book?
Feb 12, 2016 부터 멤버   게시물76
May 15 at 13:24
sekctrade posted:
Hello, Im new to My fx book. What is the difference between copying a system than copying a signal provider on My fx book?
I think brokers can be different. I would recommend to make sure that you are on the same platform with signal provider to avoid excessive latency. For example I pick signal vendors who works only on HFM because I trade with this broker.
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