Trading with borrowed money

Mar 25, 2021 at 13:59
Vues 1,786
37 Replies
Membre depuis Apr 01, 2020   posts 231
Jun 04, 2021 at 00:13
I think we should only use the money which we can afford to lose because forex is a very risky business and we can never become successful if we have no skills and knowledge.
Membre depuis May 31, 2021   posts 48
Jun 04, 2021 at 07:11
If you are a beginner then do not ever trade on forex with borrowed money, it is not a easy game buddy! You are risking your time and someone's else money. Better to trade with small amounts and if you don't have money, earn first from other regular sources and then try on it on forex.
Membre depuis Jul 27, 2020   posts 81
Jun 28, 2021 at 07:56
Sometimes, when we trade with money that we borrow, we lose some control.
Membre depuis May 13, 2020   posts 7
Jun 28, 2021 at 09:51
Do not borrow money for high-risk business. You can borrow to invest in real estate, for example, but forex is too risky environment
The success is mine
Membre depuis Apr 03, 2021   posts 470
Jun 28, 2021 at 23:39
Master_Z posted:
Do not borrow money for high-risk business. You can borrow to invest in real estate, for example, but forex is too risky environment
Yes, I think so, ideally, in real estate, the price will arise from years to years but borrow money also need to pay an instalment, if fail to pay it will become a new problem in life, if possible to live without loan I think will more comfortable to sleep.
Membre depuis Mar 28, 2021   posts 617
Jun 29, 2021 at 12:01
Doing trading by borrowed money means making the risk double. Trading should be done with your idle money. Money that you can afford to lose.
Membre depuis Jun 15, 2021   posts 13
Jun 30, 2021 at 09:22
Trading with borrowed money is like putting yourself in more risk zone. And if you have borrowed it from any institution then interests will eat up your gains. So no need to borrow, just trade wisely.
Membre depuis Jun 17, 2021   posts 15
Jul 06, 2021 at 08:02
When you go into trading with borrowed money, your first concern should be to preserve the principal amount.
Membre depuis Feb 20, 2021   posts 53
Jul 08, 2021 at 11:24
Wise words @michihito. Trading itself comes with risk, if we take loans or borrow money in addition to it, then it becomes a very risky one.
Membre depuis Mar 28, 2021   posts 617
Aug 05, 2021 at 07:08
@jonathandaniel Yes absolutely right. Trading is already risky due to high leverage which is also kind of borrowed money given by broker. Trading should be done with idle money.
Membre depuis Jul 19, 2020   posts 751
Aug 05, 2021 at 07:32
@Akasuki Yes due to high leverage, forex is a very risky financial market. A person needs good skills, knowledge and experience to make money in forex.
Membre depuis Nov 02, 2020   posts 57
Aug 18, 2021 at 07:38
That is why, that you need to have good experience and knowledge, a beginner is working with borrowed money with the wrong grid.
Membre depuis Mar 28, 2021   posts 617
Aug 18, 2021 at 11:48
@Faujinn yes a begginer with borrowed money falls in more danger. No one should do this. It would make you lose all the momey.
Membre depuis Sep 19, 2019   posts 16
Aug 20, 2021 at 11:09
That is, the conclusion is very simple.
First, go to work in a regular job, if you don't know how, then do an internship and earn your first capital.
Then, use your capital as you need it. You can invest or trade on your own.
But life experience shows that after you have worked for 2 years at work with an average salary, in an office or a builder, or in a bar, it does not matter, you will no longer want to invest in forex.
Life will break you.
And throw you out.
Do not be greedy and invest in your business as much as you can.
Membre depuis Aug 20, 2021   posts 8
Aug 20, 2021 at 12:50
FirstHero posted:
That is, the conclusion is very simple.
First, go to work in a regular job, if you don't know how, then do an internship and earn your first capital.
Then, use your capital as you need it. You can invest or trade on your own.
But life experience shows that after you have worked for 2 years at work with an average salary, in an office or a builder, or in a bar, it does not matter, you will no longer want to invest in forex.
Life will break you.
And throw you out.

That is not right. Working 2 years at a rubbish job will make people want to get our and earn Forex for their freedom
Membre depuis Apr 15, 2020   posts 219
Aug 23, 2021 at 05:11
higher leverage, higher risk and low capital investment. Low leverage low risk but high capital investment.
The more your practice, the more you learn.
Membre depuis Nov 03, 2020   posts 65
Aug 23, 2021 at 07:31
When we rely only on the funds that we have, we take it more seriously and insulate ourselves from certain risks.
Membre depuis Jul 19, 2020   posts 751
Sep 04, 2021 at 14:07
@croisssan But to trade with your own funds without leverage, you need a lot of money as capital. Many may not have that much capital for investment.
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