Do you think you can turn $200 into $400 in six weeks?

Jul 30, 2012 at 11:35
1,641 Replies
Member Since Aug 19, 2013   182 posts
Jun 14, 2014 at 19:25
Well Master_Kiwa?

What's it going to be? More excuses? Or are you ready to trade with a fair and equal playing field?


Viva La Puerto Rico!
Member Since Dec 15, 2010   795 posts
Jun 14, 2014 at 19:27
Im joining you guys. 5k on DEMO! Starts sunday night. I will post my chart or charts. 2 weeks is tuff for me to calibrate my EA to trade in such a short time. Im not at this time trading real money. ( I did serveral years back). Its a evening hobby of mine now. I work to many hrs to trade live very often.
See ya in the (my DEMO ring.

Click on my Name to see My Live Charts and Bio.
Member Since Aug 19, 2013   182 posts
Jun 14, 2014 at 19:38
Welcome to the challenge P53,

Everyone is welcome. Demo Or Real it honestly doesn't matter.

After this friendly competition, maybe we can all do another one with a little more preparation time, and let it run for a month or whatever.

And for the record.....

I'm only trading live this time in competition because Master_Kiwa won't trade against me with a demo account.

Master_Kiwa boasts of 'massive 500% gains' in seriously unrealistic time periods. So now's his chance to prove it he can actually do it. If he doesn't show those kinds of gains in the next two weeks consistantly, it proves he's a fraud, plain and simple.

$5k USD
28 currency pairs
Two Weeks

equal and fair playing field.
Let's go! 😁
Viva La Puerto Rico!
Member Since Apr 14, 2013   402 posts
Jun 14, 2014 at 21:34
CodeMonkey posted:
Welcome to the challenge P53,

Everyone is welcome. Demo Or Real it honestly doesn't matter.

After this friendly competition, maybe we can all do another one with a little more preparation time, and let it run for a month or whatever.

And for the record.....

I'm only trading live this time in competition because Master_Kiwa won't trade against me with a demo account.

Master_Kiwa boasts of 'massive 500% gains' in seriously unrealistic time periods. So now's his chance to prove it he can actually do it. If he doesn't show those kinds of gains in the next two weeks consistantly, it proves he's a fraud, plain and simple.

$5k USD
28 currency pairs
Two Weeks

equal and fair playing field.
Let's go! 😁

 LMAO. What you fail to understand is the following. If I don't make 500% profit in the next two weeks it doesn't mean I'm a fraud. It simply means I didn't profit 500% What ever profits I earn, over any amount of time is due to the positions I take, and not because of me trying to prove anything. I simply have to show returns to those who follow me that is all. As for me not trading against you in a demo account, it is clear as day that demo and live are two different worlds. So why would I sit here and analysis your DEMO trades, when they clearly would not of been the same had they been in live.
Focus on pip-drawdown
Member Since Apr 14, 2013   402 posts
Jun 14, 2014 at 21:38
CodeMonkey posted:
Master_Kiwa posted:
 Have a look at the accounts of one of the biggest trolls on this website. His PIP-DRAWDOWN is over 200 pips. In which he spent 5 days in red! Yet he has a very low pip-drawdown right? Well ask yourself... What is more important? The % of your account which is in red at any given time, or the amount of Pip's your bias trading allows you to give to the market.


You're once again, trying to find fault where there isn't any.
Isolation of a single trade does not make a badly traded account.

Look at the account financials and it's fairly easy to see the truth.

Honestly now, you think that account has bad performance? pfffft.....

 That's my point! What you are highlighting reveals that what you deem as important isn't actually important after all. You highlight his % change and dd%. Yet, if you look at ALL of his trades, you will notice he gives over 120 pips on avg to the market before he closes them in red, green, or break even! That is how a persons performance should be judged. Until you realize that, you'll be focusing more on the FUTURE, then in the present. Think about it noob cake. If a guy deposits 50k usd, and only places .02 orders. If he gives to the market 500 pips how much would his drawdown % be? LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOO oH YES VERY VERY VERY LOW!, Yet, the position which is 500 in red, reveals to you the type of trader/noob Ardit truly is.
Focus on pip-drawdown
Member Since Apr 14, 2013   402 posts
Jun 14, 2014 at 21:42
CodeMonkey posted:
dchara01 posted:

The challenge is setup!

@Master_Kiwa, the best option for direct comparison is to transfer $5000 of your $9820 account to a new account, but if you don't want to do so, you can keep this account and we will apply the comparison using as starting date Sunday night 15-jun-2014.

The challenge is up and running!


ACTUALLY NO. He needs to transfer $5k USD from his larger account and put it into a NEW $5k USD account.

There are a few really valid reasons for this.

#1: I suspect the approximate $10k belongs to someone else. He openly admits he is trading on other peoples accounts. And as such, it would be pretty hard to explain to his 'clients' why he suddenly took $5k out and put into his own personal trading account.

#2: Having $10,000.00 USD in a trading account versus having $5,000.00 USD isn't the same at all. a $10k account puts him at a much greater (100%) advantage than a $5k account.

For example, if I open a trade on a $5000.00 account and it happens to got into a negative profit of say $1000.00, that would be 20% against the account. However the same trade loss of $1000.00 on a $10,000.00, that is only 10% loss against the account. Thus it isn't a fair and level playing field. The $10k account by default has a 100% greater trading ability than a $5k account. Losses are not the same on the two different account sizes.

What I'm saying here is that I've gone way out of my way to make this a fair and equal trading challenge, same account sizes, same identical 28 currency pairs to trade, etc.

Fair and equal means is pretty straight forward, trade the same currency pairs, and use the same account sizes, and keep the trade information public during the challenge. If Master_Kiwa needs a few days to get his affairs in order, I'm willing to move this challenge out a week while he does this.

Fair an Equal is pretty straight foward.

Two weeks. 28 currency pairs. $5000.00 USD

No excuses. Just a fair and equal playing field.

There are other reasons as well, but I'm making some very valid points here. And I would like to point out, that it is Master_Kiwa that wanted to trade live against me, therefore he should abide by what has been set out for the challenge.

 Well since my account balance is 2x as much as yours, if I gain 100% and you gain 50% then we both are equal aren't we. Remember I am going to trade no matter what. I don't have to move money around, or make this account 5k, when I have already deposited 10k. Now if he is willing to put up a cash prize, then I would oblige to his request. Until then just shut the hell up and trade.
Focus on pip-drawdown
Member Since Apr 14, 2013   402 posts
Jun 14, 2014 at 21:46
CodeMonkey posted:
Well Master_Kiwa?

What's it going to be? More excuses? Or are you ready to trade with a fair and equal playing field?

 Listen bro. I am sorry that you don't have access to 5k more. You are setting all these terms and conditions to this competition, and you aren't even putting any money up for prizes. You are the one coming up with a tons of excuses like 'the currency pairs to trade', 'the deposit amount', etc. If this is about performance then shut the hell up and trade. I'm not going to split up my account to take part of your silly pissing match. My account will be ready for trading next week, even if you fall from your coconut tree.
Focus on pip-drawdown
Member Since Aug 19, 2013   182 posts
Jun 14, 2014 at 22:11 (edited Jun 14, 2014 at 22:12)
Master_Kiwa posted:
 Listen bro. I am sorry that you don't have access to 5k more. You are setting all these terms and conditions to this competition, and you aren't even putting any money up for prizes. You are the one coming up with a tons of excuses like 'the currency pairs to trade', 'the deposit amount', etc. If this is about performance then shut the hell up and trade. I'm not going to split up my account to take part of your silly pissing match. My account will be ready for trading next week, even if you fall from your coconut tree.

It has nothing to do with MY making excuses.

I suggested the 28 currency pairs that we will trade.

You had no complaint.

I suggested $5k in account size.

You had no complaint.

Do you even realize how pathetic you're being about this?

This is about proving you can actually trade, rather than making false claims and presenting fake statistical data on blown accounts with manipulated time frames.

At every moment you can find, you present excuses as to 'why' things are the way they are, and that everyone else is wrong.

You wouldn't trade against me in demo. Fine no problem.

You said put real money in an account. So I did.

I've gone out of my way to make this a fair and even trade match.

It only suddenly became a problem for you, when I showed you I had a brand new live account with $5k in it.
And I was ready to go.

Everything else you are saying is just excuses and proves the point that I and everyone else has been making. You put up a lot of boasting and bullshit, but when it comes down to it, you hide behind excuses.

As for splitting your account up? Seriously? It's not like the money is going someplace? You're still trading it, and you still have it under your control. It just happens to be in a FAIR and EQUAL trading account. Or was I right? the money isn't yours, and you can't move it without your 'clients' growing even more suspicious of your lies and fraudulent behaviors?

As for my calling the shots, I posted the suggestions openly in advance of the challenge, you had time to say something before now. All trading contests have specific rules and those who enter them abide by those rules. All you're doing is making more excuses about why you can't do it, how about you grow a pair, and just put $5k usd into a real account and trade it?

Or are you really that big of a coward and a fraud?
Viva La Puerto Rico!
Member Since Aug 19, 2013   182 posts
Jun 14, 2014 at 22:41 (edited Jun 14, 2014 at 22:51)
Master_Kiwa posted:
 That's my point! What you are highlighting reveals that what you deem as important isn't actually important after all. You highlight his % change and dd%. Yet, if you look at ALL of his trades, you will notice he gives over 120 pips on avg to the market before he closes them in red, green, or break even! That is how a persons performance should be judged. Until you realize that, you'll be focusing more on the FUTURE, then in the present. Think about it noob cake. If a guy deposits 50k usd, and only places .02 orders. If he gives to the market 500 pips how much would his drawdown % be? LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOO oH YES VERY VERY VERY LOW!, Yet, the position which is 500 in red, reveals to you the type of trader/noob Ardit truly is.

No. It's showing proper account management. He's keeping his DD low, and trading in small lot sizes. It's an account with less than $10k in it. Clearly he's making a steady and solid gain on the profits. I will agree that if a trade has -500 pips on it, it probably should have been closed out long before then. However there are methods than can reduce the impact of those -500 pips such as hedging and stepped in retrace orders and numerous other strategic orders and counter orders than can be also used.

For you, it's all about instant gratification. For real traders it's about making solid, steady gains, over the longer term, rather than risking the account and putting up half your account on one trade or whatever.

I openly admit that I would LOVE to see massive instant gains on my accounts. But that's emotional trading. Not safe and realistic trading. But I am a realistic trader, it just isn't worth blowing an account out for a gain today, when I could easily make 100x's that amount over the long haul. Even your published trading strategy supports what I am saying. You have what? almost 50% draw down and a massive loss because of your strategies. Your stats do in deed speak for themselves. You're a noob, you boast and make false claims, and you put others down when they do something correctly. You truly have no idea what the hell you're talking about and your multiple blown out accounts prove my point.

Viva La Puerto Rico!
Member Since Oct 24, 2013   268 posts
Jun 15, 2014 at 00:31 (edited Jun 15, 2014 at 00:39)
I have to disagree on one point. This clown does NOT trade other peoples accounts. All the blown accounts are his.

Where are all the grateful clients jumping to his defense? Where are all the people who can show the trading history of their blown accounts? Where does he get his mythical clients?

Take a look at Scalping_Kiwa's_Way and think it through. When he took over the account and started displaying the stats on March 17th (according to him the date that he takes over the account) he then traded it until March 24th (according to him the date he stops trading the account) when according to the BS he sprouts here he cashed out and took his profits with a +546.67% gain..........

But the account was still over 99% down!!

Now can you imagine the conversation happening in even your wildest dreams.

'Thanks Master_Kiwa. You've taken my account that is over 99% down and in a very short time you've made over 500% on the balance that was left. You've traded it back to.... still over 99% down. That's really great!! I don't want you to continue trading my account for me until it's actually in profit. I love huge losses. You are a God among traders. Lets cash out now and I'll give you some of my pitiful remaining balance for your effort.'

Not very realistic is it?

You're stories have too many holes and you're not even very good at BS let alone trading. And on top of that you're a coward. Ohhh the shame!!
You can't spend open trades.
Member Since Oct 24, 2013   268 posts
Jun 15, 2014 at 01:38 (edited Jun 15, 2014 at 02:09)
Who is pulling the chain?

You're just a crap Hot Forex PAMM provider asking 50% with your equity getting further and further away from your balance who is looking for business. Again who in their right mind would sign up with you?

No wonder you keep all those trades private here!!

You can't spend open trades.
Member Since Oct 24, 2013   268 posts
Jun 15, 2014 at 02:17 (edited Jun 15, 2014 at 02:18)
You are a scalper with trades open for over 100 days!! Good work!
In fact your Avg. Trade Length 292h 17567m !! Now that's scalping!!
You focus on Pip draw down only... Worst trade -14793 pips. Excellent work.

Please check check in with your parole officer!!
You can't spend open trades.
Member Since Oct 24, 2013   268 posts
Jun 15, 2014 at 02:47 (edited Jun 15, 2014 at 02:48)
Master_Kiwa what is your CFA Institute member ID and when was the last time you lodged a PCS?
You can't spend open trades.
Member Since Aug 19, 2013   182 posts
Jun 15, 2014 at 04:56 (edited Jun 15, 2014 at 04:58)
Silverthorn posted:
I have to disagree on one point. This clown does NOT trade other peoples accounts. All the blown accounts are his.

I agree with you on this. I was just going with what he previously professed with his being a professional PAMM trader. 😄

For the record I will openly and honestly state, I don't trade other peoples money.
No way do I want that responsibility. I'd feel bad if I lost even a few dollars of their money.
I've helped others trade, but a while back I came to the realization that it's just WAY TOO stressful to be responsible for other peoples life savings. No thanks.

I trade only my own money.

I win big sometimes. Hooray!

I lose big sometimes! Booo!

That's the nature of the market.

Sometimes regardless of the work we put into the analysis of the market, things just happen.

The market is going to do, what the market is going to do. We win some and we lose some.

Hopefully the winning out weighs the losing most of the time.
Viva La Puerto Rico!
Member Since Jun 28, 2013   852 posts
Jun 15, 2014 at 11:35
This is the reality of master kiwa accounts.

Member Since Apr 14, 2013   402 posts
Jun 15, 2014 at 12:32
CodeMonkey posted:
Silverthorn posted:
I have to disagree on one point. This clown does NOT trade other peoples accounts. All the blown accounts are his.

I agree with you on this. I was just going with what he previously professed with his being a professional PAMM trader. 😄

For the record I will openly and honestly state, I don't trade other peoples money.
No way do I want that responsibility. I'd feel bad if I lost even a few dollars of their money.
I've helped others trade, but a while back I came to the realization that it's just WAY TOO stressful to be responsible for other peoples life savings. No thanks.

I trade only my own money.

I win big sometimes. Hooray!

I lose big sometimes! Booo!

That's the nature of the market.

Sometimes regardless of the work we put into the analysis of the market, things just happen.

The market is going to do, what the market is going to do. We win some and we lose some.

Hopefully the winning out weighs the losing most of the time.

   We'll you've managed to depsoit. Congrats! Now all that is left to do is trade. Please don't forget to verify your account. As that would be the only way to track the important stats. Such as Pip/Drawdown, Entry accuracy, Exit accuracy, Risk: Reward.
Focus on pip-drawdown
Member Since Jan 01, 2013   126 posts
Jun 15, 2014 at 12:38
Master_Kiwa posted:
CodeMonkey posted:
dchara01 posted:

The challenge is setup!

@Master_Kiwa, the best option for direct comparison is to transfer $5000 of your $9820 account to a new account, but if you don't want to do so, you can keep this account and we will apply the comparison using as starting date Sunday night 15-jun-2014.

The challenge is up and running!


ACTUALLY NO. He needs to transfer $5k USD from his larger account and put it into a NEW $5k USD account.

There are a few really valid reasons for this.

#1: I suspect the approximate $10k belongs to someone else. He openly admits he is trading on other peoples accounts. And as such, it would be pretty hard to explain to his 'clients' why he suddenly took $5k out and put into his own personal trading account.

#2: Having $10,000.00 USD in a trading account versus having $5,000.00 USD isn't the same at all. a $10k account puts him at a much greater (100%) advantage than a $5k account.

For example, if I open a trade on a $5000.00 account and it happens to got into a negative profit of say $1000.00, that would be 20% against the account. However the same trade loss of $1000.00 on a $10,000.00, that is only 10% loss against the account. Thus it isn't a fair and level playing field. The $10k account by default has a 100% greater trading ability than a $5k account. Losses are not the same on the two different account sizes.

What I'm saying here is that I've gone way out of my way to make this a fair and equal trading challenge, same account sizes, same identical 28 currency pairs to trade, etc.

Fair and equal means is pretty straight forward, trade the same currency pairs, and use the same account sizes, and keep the trade information public during the challenge. If Master_Kiwa needs a few days to get his affairs in order, I'm willing to move this challenge out a week while he does this.

Fair an Equal is pretty straight foward.

Two weeks. 28 currency pairs. $5000.00 USD

No excuses. Just a fair and equal playing field.

There are other reasons as well, but I'm making some very valid points here. And I would like to point out, that it is Master_Kiwa that wanted to trade live against me, therefore he should abide by what has been set out for the challenge.

 Well since my account balance is 2x as much as yours, if I gain 100% and you gain 50% then we both are equal aren't we. Remember I am going to trade no matter what. I don't have to move money around, or make this account 5k, when I have already deposited 10k. Now if he is willing to put up a cash prize, then I would oblige to his request. Until then just shut the hell up and trade.

@CodeMonkey your 1st point is valid and I totally agree with you, but since he probably doesn't have the money to create a new account and for some reason, whatever the reason is, he does not want to transfer funds to a new account, let him trade that account!

As for the 2nd point, I cannot agree that there is an actual difference, between the two accounts... Since you are not challenging for the higher ending balance, but for the highest ending % gain with the less % drawdown, using trades that are meaningful for which later will be able to provide explanations... the absolute numbers, ie ending balance, amount at risk and so on have nothing to do with the winner!

@Master_Kiwa you posted this:

Well since my account balance is 2x as much as yours, if I gain 100% and you gain 50% then we both are equal aren't we. Remember I am going to trade no matter what. I don't have to move money around, or make this account 5k, when I have already deposited 10k. Now if he is willing to put up a cash prize, then I would oblige to his request. Until then just shut the hell up and trade.

Are you mad? Are you a CFA? Do you really undestand elementary school mathematics???

you have a $10,000 account after 100% gain it will become a $20,000,
Davi has a $5,000 after 50% gain it will become $7,500

Please explain to me how $20,000 and $7,500 are equal?
Member Since Apr 14, 2013   402 posts
Jun 15, 2014 at 12:39
ahuruglica posted:
This is the reality of master kiwa accounts.

  What seems to assume me about the trolls is that they always mention start dates. Yet when the accounts are posted fpr everyone to see the start date has already been added. The latest account (of 10k) doesnt have a start date as it is a brand new account. If ardit is getting offened because I have called out his trades highlighting his pip drawdown that is what should be spoken about. Hoe to make your trades better. If you looked at my trades you'd see R:R of 1:12 That is something a troll would never post and would only call it luck. Yet, my intention is to win in the present moment and anyone who wabts to follow is more then welcome to. Cidemonkey
Focus on pip-drawdown
Member Since Apr 14, 2013   402 posts
Jun 15, 2014 at 12:56

Ok so I guess this silly little 2 week trade off is on. My account is twice as large as Monkeybrain and what ever my % profit is at the end we will cut it by half. Hey if you want.... If you were really smart... why not set a lot size limit. As with that you wont complain and cry if i run this accunt up and leave you in the dust. I can see you saying now.... he won because he could place higher trades then i could. waaaahhhhhh thats not fair.
Focus on pip-drawdown
Member Since Oct 24, 2013   268 posts
Jun 15, 2014 at 13:05 (edited Jun 15, 2014 at 13:07)
Master_Kiwa posted:

Ok so I guess this silly little 2 week trade off is on. My account is twice as large as Monkeybrain and what ever my % profit is at the end we will cut it by half. Hey if you want.... If you were really smart... why not set a lot size limit. As with that you wont complain and cry if i run this accunt up and leave you in the dust. I can see you saying now.... he won because he could place higher trades then i could. waaaahhhhhh thats not fair.

Did you do any math at school?? Maybe do a google search for percent and see why you sound like such a fool. CFA I don't think so. BSA absolutely!!
You can't spend open trades.
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