New in forex trading

Apr 23, 2017 at 06:52
Vues 5,878
121 Replies
Membre depuis Jul 19, 2020   posts 788
Aug 23, 2020 at 23:59
If you want to trade, you must first learn a lot. If you do not learn to trade, you will lose a lot. You need to know about analysis, you need to know about money management, you need to know about risk management. You can get some basic ideas from this forex forum. If you want, you can discuss the trading strategy in detail. There are many types of sites where you can learn a lot about Forex trading. Or you can take help from here to learn YouTube or Google.
Membre depuis Jul 27, 2020   posts 102
Aug 24, 2020 at 06:34
Make sure that you have a realistic goals, which is one of the best trading secrets. Unrealistic profit targets will quickly lead to reckless decision making. So, set yourself small and realistic goals, particularly to start with.
Membre depuis Jul 20, 2020   posts 341
Aug 24, 2020 at 16:45
New traders should have complete knowledge about the forex market. They can get proper knowledge of forex from a demo account. According to me, A demo account is the most effective way of learning forex.
Membre depuis Jul 20, 2020   posts 232
Aug 28, 2020 at 18:57
If you are new in this market you should be very careful when you are going to choose your broker. There are so many fake brokers in the market. So, research properly before taking decision.
Membre depuis Jul 20, 2020   posts 298
Oct 15, 2020 at 01:59
Proper discipline is required to maintain the loss in Forex trading. New traders lose due to a lack of discipline. So if you want to maintain the loss, you should manage money management and risk management. As a new trader, a trader needs to gain experience by practicing demo. And you have to collect a lot of information online.
Membre depuis Jul 20, 2020   posts 232
Oct 15, 2020 at 10:25
If you are new in this market, you have to gather all he knowledge about trading before entering into this risky market Without proper knowledge you can not make money from this market.
Membre depuis Jul 09, 2020   posts 34
Oct 16, 2020 at 07:55
EbonyJones posted:
If you are new in this market you should be very careful when you are going to choose your broker. There are so many fake brokers in the market. So, research properly before taking decision.
Yes, forex is also no exception. Basically it is on us to choose a broker carefully after considering all the vital points.
Membre depuis Jul 17, 2020   posts 42
Oct 19, 2020 at 11:04
It’s always better to take up a trading course to get your basics right.
Membre depuis Jul 20, 2020   posts 341
Nov 12, 2020 at 18:07
If you are new in this market, you have to be very serious about your trading. You have to make a profitable plan to survive in this risky market.
Membre depuis Nov 07, 2020   posts 15
Nov 27, 2020 at 04:52
Demo trading is not less than any important tool for the traders who are just beginning. It can make you confident and prepare you for long term success.
Membre depuis Jul 20, 2020   posts 232
Dec 06, 2020 at 11:04
Every new trader should make a good trading plan to make money from this market. Without a trading plan, no trader can survive int his risky market.
Membre depuis Nov 26, 2020   posts 30
Dec 30, 2020 at 08:44
As for me, those who use demo accounts do the right thing in order to test their strength to work some practice and figure out their strategy
Membre depuis Dec 31, 2020   posts 16
Dec 31, 2020 at 11:20
ElliotCooke posted:
If you are new in this market, you have to be very serious about your trading. You have to make a profitable plan to survive in this risky market.

I agree. Trading with a plan also helps a trader stay disciplined.
Membre depuis Jul 19, 2020   posts 318
Jan 04, 2021 at 19:55
Choosing a good and reliable broker is the most difficult thing in this market. So, be careful when you are going to choose a broker for you.
Membre depuis Aug 27, 2017   posts 994
Jan 06, 2021 at 10:23
if you think only learning can safe you when trading , its completly wrong , you have to ensure regular practice session besdies this .
Membre depuis Apr 18, 2017   posts 718
Jan 06, 2021 at 11:09
risk is everywhere in Forex its a very common thing , there is no one who can deny but if you have proper money and risk management then within a very short time you can bring good amount of profit from here.  
Membre depuis Apr 18, 2017   posts 718
Jan 07, 2021 at 11:10
for newcomers Forex is really different business then others ,
 hope you will enjoy the volatile environment, just one request never give up when making losses.
Membre depuis Jun 03, 2019   posts 3
Jan 07, 2021 at 11:44
We have built a platform to help investors copy top and experienced traders with a verified track record.
Membre depuis Nov 26, 2020   posts 30
Feb 05, 2021 at 08:26
The Forex market is really a very interesting field of activity, where you can learn a lot of useful and interesting things, make good profits, and also reveal hidden qualities in yourself.
Membre depuis Nov 19, 2020   posts 104
Feb 05, 2021 at 11:57
For traders who are new to this market, planning and practice are a must, after they are done with the knowledge part. Do not rush, just give it your 100% with patience.
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