I need a program made for free.

Jan 23, 2017 at 21:45
21 Replies
Biedrs kopš   58 ieraksti
Feb 10, 2017 at 16:55

Biedrs kopš   58 ieraksti
Mar 04, 2017 at 17:09 (labots Mar 04, 2017 at 17:15)
Either way, I am a software engineer, my preference is writing c language code....

I just always see these ridiculous posts about people offering to code for free, and I felt like posting one for myself..

Anyways, I have been on this coding project for thirteen years,and I am looking for a very special calculation for currency.

I have been piecing it together slowly, and I may have struck gold, I can't tell for sure yet..

Over the last two days, I took a demo account from $600 to $5800

And so I am feeling nervously optimistic.

Pray for my works.

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