Gold Hitter V3.9 (By HamdiG)

Gain : +101.94%
Drawdown 6.96%
Pips: 5542.0
Trades 1047
Type: Demo
Leverage: 1:500
Trading: Automated

Gold Hitter V3.9 Discussion

Feb 22 at 16:09
1 Replies
Member Since Jun 16, 2014   27 posts
May 26 at 08:28
Demo account....
Happy Trading
Member Since Jan 13, 2021   1 posts
May 30 at 17:43
CNTBW posted:
Demo account....
Thank you for your comment.

As a master trading software developer and laboratory owner, my primary focus is on creating optimized strategies for MT4 and MT5. I do not engage in trading myself but rather provide these strategies to my students and customers. With over 9 years of experience in this field, I am recognized as one of the top talents in this area.

You can learn more about my work and expertise on Fiverr and Freelancer. Additionally, please feel free to visit my portfolio at

Thank you for your understanding and support.

Best regards,
Hamdi Garraz
Hamdi Garraz
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