KGB Scalper (By saroq61)

Gain : +197.37%
Drawdown 8.93%
Pips: 6738.9
Trades 7116
Type: Demo
Leverage: 1:500
Trading: Automated

KGB Scalper Discussion

Jan 11, 2020 at 20:37
2 Replies
Member Since Jul 16, 2015   1 posts
Mar 18, 2020 at 12:09
This is interesting. what is the risk setting for this 10k account?
Member Since Sep 25, 2020   1 posts
Oct 19, 2020 at 22:32
Should I change both Magic numbers for each pair?
Member Since Oct 27, 2017   126 posts
Dec 23, 2020 at 23:13

I didn't post my KGB Scalper demo account results because it uses a martingale loss recovery and because it isn't a safe system to trade.

WARNING: A friend backtested the KGB and even on reduced risk settings it blew up the account. I closed my two real accounts after I received the back test results and took the profits. Another trader who I was in contact with was trading it on live accounts and it blew up his accounts. I shared the same warning with him.

On my demo account I am trading it on half risk. So my demo KGB account had AUD10,000 starting balance which equals USD7,000. I loaded the 3K presets onto the chart to trade at half risk. I have not changed those presets since I loaded them. In my opinion it is only good luck that the account has not blown up.
If you aim at nothing you will hit it every time.
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