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am i doing this right?
Mitglied seit Sep 04, 2021
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Mitglied seit Sep 04, 2021
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Mitglied seit Sep 04, 2021
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Nov 11, 2021 at 08:08
Mitglied seit Dec 10, 2019
18 Posts
I think that those percents which you do at your initial stages in trading don't mean a lot for you. These percents mean a lot only after you gain enough knowledge and experience. In my opinion, you shouldn't bother about it now, until you gain experience in trading activity and until you start understand that you're can be considered as a professional trader. Now, your task is simple, do less mistakes and more profitable trades, only by these things you can gain experiencein actually. So, diversify priorities on various steps in trading and everything will be okay.
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