Posts by PipJoker

in jshogren feed Jul 30, 2014 at 19:45
"you are really a good trader"...... straight down.
in Inner_O_Trader feed Feb 14, 2013 at 13:03
Well this is pretty much like beating a dead horse :) Few obvious reason to which you, Michael, don't have anything to say: - You said you won't be having a losing week. The same week or next (don't remember) you dropped the bass (-13% week); - You won't be risking more than 3% daily, which was not true; - You will cut your risks after losing more than 3% which never happened after -13% day; - You are still chasing price all over the place; - You've hidden your trading history which only shows lack of self trust, which shouldn't happen to a trader who claims to trade +15yrs; - You claim you have >90% win rate which is hardly met; - You claim to trade 4-6 times a month which is hardly met; To sum up, like i said, there are too many obvious reasons to flame you. I people have the right to do that, because they feel you betrayed and cheated them. But! you did give myself a fundamental and technical ground of the trading. I thank you for that. There was this quote about people who can analysis market very well, but cannot trade and those who can trade without being able to express how and why they make those decisions. I think you belong to the first group ;) Best of luck with life!