FXDD swaps

Only brokers with the same calculation method of swap (as selected in the left table) are presented in the chart on the right.
*Please note brokers might have different swap calculations which are presented below (taken from MQL4 documentation):
Type 0 - in pips, Type 1 - in the symbol base currency, Type 2 - by interest, Type 3 - in the margin currency.

Forex Broker Swaps Comparison

Symbol Short Swap Long Swap Swap Type
-1.918 -3.836 3
-11.043 4.141 3
-15.454 9.383 3
-0.601 -6.184 3
-0.153 -6.412 3
-1600000.0 -1600000.0 3
-12.026 5.31 3
-16.598 9.901 3
-7.372 2.853 3
-1.15 -3.451 3
-0.272 -4.492 3
-9.161 3.644 3
-2.93 -0.699 3
0.235 -5.985 3
11.699 -15.428 3
-13.585 7.485 3
-1.262 -3.828 3
1.237 -5.906 3
2.709 -6.538 3
-2.785 -2.34 3
31.431 -84.029 3
1.124 -7.53 3
6.624 -15.23 3
-4.088 -0.204 3
-3.217 -1.206 3
-12.038 6.854 3
-16.468 8.959 3
-1.757 -2.659 3
-1.664 -3.204 3
-13.269 2.849 3
-3.667 -2.48 3
-4.646 -1.632 3
-14.212 6.53 3
-18.69 11.029 3
-3.228 -3.908 3
-13.233 8.248 3
-5.163 -0.665 3
-16.845 5.152 3
-6.771 3.123 3
-6.188 2.161 3
7.738 -11.426 3
-17.102 10.102 3
8.309 -24.245 3
-5.167 -0.057 3
-1.141 -2.713 3
-6.741 1.448 3
-7.478 1.944 3
0.0 0.0 3
27.215 -73.168 3
2.691 -11.452 3
12.91 -26.68 3
11018.6 -23708.2 3
18.62 -39.67 3
-42.602 8.771 3

Swap Difference