LiteForex swaps

Only brokers with the same calculation method of swap (as selected in the left table) are presented in the chart on the right.
*Please note brokers might have different swap calculations which are presented below (taken from MQL4 documentation):
Type 0 - in pips, Type 1 - in the symbol base currency, Type 2 - by interest, Type 3 - in the margin currency.

Forex Broker Swaps Comparison

Symbol Short Swap Long Swap Swap Type
-0.168 -0.125 0
-0.756 0.37 0
-1.786 0.976 0
0.069 -0.539 0
0.075 -0.295 0
-2500000.0 -2500000.0 2
-0.8 0.396 0
-1.901 1.049 0
-1.003 0.319 0
0.106 -0.618 0
0.084 -0.521 0
-0.954 0.454 0
0.21 -0.515 0
-2.4 1.316 0
0.426 -1.247 0
1.118 -3.299 0
-0.439 -0.313 0
120.738 -778.474 0
0.314 -0.708 0
15.114 -32.371 0
-0.745 0.132 0
-0.71 0.159 0
-1.692 0.911 0
-3.848 2.226 0
-5.618 0.407 0
-0.271 -0.455 0
-1.368 0.317 0
-0.073 -0.211 0
-0.424 0.07 0
-0.866 0.434 0
-1.944 1.062 0
-0.095 -0.107 0
-0.616 0.182 0
-1.361 0.749 0
-11.33 -2.568 0
-6.132 2.497 0
-4.339 -1.338 0
0.39 -2.705 0
-3.077 1.806 0
13.844 -36.038 0
-4.859 0.761 0
-0.575 -0.863 0
-7.873 2.633 0
-1.129 0.304 0
99.694 -700.186 0
7.441 -19.84 0
0.355 -0.643 0
10136.0 -31915.2 0
10.136 -47.592 0

Swap Difference