The Czech Republic is heavily engaged in international trade. As a manufacturer of manufactured goods, it exports a wide range of products that are used in the manufacture of automobiles, furniture, and electrical appliances. Imports to the Czech Republic are mostly composed of industrial and transportation equipment, raw materials, fuels, and chemicals. The European Union is the country's most important trading partner, accounting for approximately 83% of exports and 65% of imports.

A higher than expected figure should be seen as positive (bullish) for the CZK while a lower than expected figure should be seen as negative (bearish) for the CZK.

Category:  Balance of Trade
Units:  Billion
Impact: Low
Currency: CZK
Latest Release
Previous: CZK3.7B
Consensus: CZK8.9B
Actual: CZK34.6B
Next Release
Date: May 07, 07:00
Time left: 10 days
Consensus: CZK29.5B

Forex Sentiment (CZK)

Symbol Community Trend (Shorts vs Longs) Symbol Popularity Avg. Short Price /
Distance From Price
Avg. Long Price /
Distance From Price
Current Price
+2897 pips
+250851 pips
Symbol Action Percentage Volume Positions
EURCZK Short 100% 2.20 lots 4
Long 0% 0.00 lots 0
0% of traders are currently trading EURCZK.
+159 pips
-732 pips
Symbol Action Percentage Volume Positions
USDCZK Short 1% 0.04 lots 4
Long 99% 3.48 lots 2
0% of traders are currently trading USDCZK.