The sum of the percentage of higher replies and half of the percentage of unchanged replies are calculated in order to construct the index. The index ranges between 0 to 100, with a rating above 50 implying an overall increase when compared to the previous month and a rating below 50 implying an overall decrease. After that, the indexes are adjusted for seasonal variation. The Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) is the headline figure. In order for the PMI to be calculated, the following 5 indexes are used: New Orders (30%), Output (25%), Employment (20%), Suppliers' Delivery Times (15%), and Stocks of Purchases (10%). The PMI is calculated by inverting the Suppliers' Delivery Times Index so that it moves in a similar direction to the other indexes.

A higher than expected figure should be seen as positive (bullish) for the CZK while a lower than expected figure should be seen as negative (bearish) for the CZK.

Category:  Retail Sales MoM
Units:  Percent
Impact: Low
Currency: CZK
Latest Release
Previous: -0.1%
Consensus: 0.2%
Actual: 1.2%
Next Release
Date: Mar 13, 08:00
Time left: 6 days

Forex Sentiment (CZK)

Symbol Community Trend (Shorts vs Longs) Symbol Popularity Avg. Short Price /
Distance From Price
Avg. Long Price /
Distance From Price
Current Price
-75 pips
+250381 pips
Symbol Action Percentage Volume Positions
EURCZK Short 100% 0.01 lots 1
Long 0% 0.00 lots 0
0% of traders are currently trading EURCZK.
+2479 pips
-3036 pips
Symbol Action Percentage Volume Positions
USDCZK Short 49% 5.39 lots 5
Long 51% 5.57 lots 22
0% of traders are currently trading USDCZK.