Hong Kong has been running trade deficits due to the fact that imports have outpaced exports in economic development, since the late 1990s. Electrical machinery, apparatus, and appliances, as well as telecommunications and sound equipment, as well as automatic data processing devices, account for the vast majority of Hong Kong's exports. It imports primarily machinery and transport equipment, miscellaneous manufactured articles, manufactured goods, food, and live animals. China is the country's most significant trading partner (40% of total exports and 47% of total imports). Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, and the United States are among the countries that have joined the partnership.

A higher than expected figure should be seen as positive (bullish) for the HKD while a lower than expected figure should be seen as negative (bearish) for the HKD.

Category:  Balance of Trade
Units:  Billion
Impact: Low
Currency: HKD
Latest Release
Previous: -H$21.8B
Consensus: -H$22B
Actual: -H$33.1B
Next Release
Date: Oct 28, 08:30
Time left: 19 days
Consensus: -H$57B