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- Newcomers and their greediness
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Newcomers and their greediness
Biedrs kopš
870 ieraksti
May 22, 2020 at 05:48
Biedrs kopš
870 ieraksti
The newcomers cannot avoid losses by their greediness and emotions, it’s true. But the regular traders cannot come out their losses because of having most powerful risk management and MM. they always fours on just acquiring good trading knowledge . of course we have to do it. But besides it must be focused on risk managing approach if we want to avoid losses.
Biedrs kopš
74 ieraksti
May 22, 2020 at 10:43
Biedrs kopš
74 ieraksti
Very true. They need asses the power of risk management and money management else they will be having hard time avoiding the losses
Biedrs kopš
102 ieraksti
May 24, 2020 at 07:27
Biedrs kopš
102 ieraksti
It was the greed of many newcomers that killed on the path to making money on Forex
Biedrs kopš
102 ieraksti
Jul 03, 2020 at 03:44
Biedrs kopš
102 ieraksti
When they say that a large percentage of traders do not earn and leave the market, it seems to me that this is affected by their greed.
Biedrs kopš
49 ieraksti
Jul 03, 2020 at 07:54
Biedrs kopš
49 ieraksti
Yeah.Greed is a dangerous thing, not just for beginners but even for those in trading for a good time.
Biedrs kopš
7 ieraksti
Jul 03, 2020 at 11:55
Biedrs kopš
7 ieraksti
Greediness is bad for anyone and everyone. No matter a trader is new or experienced. Patience is the key.
Biedrs kopš
69 ieraksti
Jul 06, 2020 at 07:15
Biedrs kopš
69 ieraksti
Greed is one of the negative side that you should be avoiding when it comes to trading. It takes lot of time to overcome for that.
Biedrs kopš
52 ieraksti
Jul 06, 2020 at 07:21
Biedrs kopš
52 ieraksti
first_time posted:
Greed is one of the negative side that you should be avoiding when it comes to trading. It takes lot of time to overcome for that.
Exactly and the worst part is it makes you over trade and that spoils your entire game.
Biedrs kopš
29 ieraksti
Jul 06, 2020 at 11:09
Biedrs kopš
29 ieraksti
Suarez posted:
Exactly and the worst part is it makes you over trade and that spoils your entire game.
This is worst and that is where we have to be careful and try to avoid greed or fear.
Biedrs kopš
187 ieraksti
Jul 08, 2020 at 11:39
Biedrs kopš
187 ieraksti
Greediness is awe full in any scenario. Money made with patience is worth the hard-work and remains with you for long. Even wehn it comes to trading, one should be wise and patient while placing trades. Profits and losses are both 2 sides of a coin. Its only with time that you understand what to trade, how to trade, how much to trades etc.
The more your practice, the more you learn.
Biedrs kopš
33 ieraksti
Jul 09, 2020 at 06:19
Biedrs kopš
33 ieraksti
New comers mostly face the issue of controlling their emotions and greed. Well practice well and trade with patience; be rational. If you trade with practical decisions, only then will you go far in this journey.
Biedrs kopš
32 ieraksti
Jul 13, 2020 at 10:28
Biedrs kopš
32 ieraksti
I have been fallen prey to greed in my initial days of trading and faced losses which was not a good feeling at all.
Biedrs kopš
4573 ieraksti
Jul 13, 2020 at 11:58
Biedrs kopš
4573 ieraksti
Even after years of trading I am facing issues with greed.
That's why I am using automated systems where money management is well defined and executed.
IMHO greed is not only that you overtrade account to get more profit
it is also about NOT accepting loss and NOT closing losing positions when you should
That's why I am using automated systems where money management is well defined and executed.
IMHO greed is not only that you overtrade account to get more profit
it is also about NOT accepting loss and NOT closing losing positions when you should
Biedrs kopš
38 ieraksti
Jul 14, 2020 at 06:44
Biedrs kopš
38 ieraksti
When they say that a large percentage of traders do not earn and leave the market, it seems to me that this is affected by their greed, you need to have control over your emotions.
Biedrs kopš
10 ieraksti
Jul 14, 2020 at 12:01
Biedrs kopš
10 ieraksti
togr posted:
Even after years of trading I am facing issues with greed.
That's why I am using automated systems where money management is well defined and executed.
IMHO greed is not only that you overtrade account to get more profit
it is also about NOT accepting loss and NOT closing losing positions when you should
Automation is the best way to combat emotions in trading. It can be tough to learn how to code an EA but once you understand, it is very rewarding
Biedrs kopš
3 ieraksti
Jul 14, 2020 at 12:19
Biedrs kopš
3 ieraksti
well, agreed with most of the posts, but greediness is also what drove us here correct?
Biedrs kopš
25 ieraksti
Jul 15, 2020 at 21:09
Biedrs kopš
25 ieraksti
Greed is one of the main problems of traders. It is almost impossible to control, and it causes most losses in trading. That's why all traders need to learn self-control and restraint, and then their profits will grow significantly.
Biedrs kopš
31 ieraksti
Jul 16, 2020 at 07:00
Biedrs kopš
31 ieraksti
005500 posted:
Greediness is bad for anyone and everyone. No matter a trader is new or experienced. Patience is the key.
I agree on that. No matter at what stage a trader is, a newbie or an experienced one, greed can mar it all.
Biedrs kopš
13 ieraksti
Aug 24, 2020 at 12:15
Biedrs kopš
13 ieraksti
Greed is one of the first obstacles for all beginners in trading. When a beginner comes into trading, he expects a lot of money in a short time, and because of this perception, they lose all their investments very quickly. That's why I always advise beginners to open an account with a small deposit and learn to manage their capital correctly.
Biedrs kopš
278 ieraksti
Sep 21, 2020 at 19:04
Biedrs kopš
278 ieraksti
Newcomers should avoid the greediness. Greed can put you in great danger So, you should control your greed when you are trading in the market.

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