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Traders Give Birth to a New Idea, premier announcement
Jauni treideri
May 12, 2014 at 23:15
I'm definetly all for this. One language will definetly be required if we want world peace, harmony and everything like it. Of course, that is just one of the many steps on the way. Being someone who doesn't speak english as my native language I (and quite frankly, some of you who do have english as your first language) will miss nuances of some things said. what language this will be is beyond my wits, but I suppose it will be an easy language with easy grammar. Cheers,Tom
Is forex gambling?
Pieredzējuši treideri
May 11, 2014 at 15:26
So, what happened to the LIVE DiamondFX2012? Crash and burn?
Is forex gambling?
Pieredzējuši treideri
May 07, 2014 at 23:14
Femi: So, you made a big announcement with the Diamond2012... How come it is not available to see? How come the two accounts you're showing are Demo? C'mon. Be serious if you're having a business. Cheers, Tomas
Is forex gambling?
Pieredzējuši treideri
May 06, 2014 at 21:53
Sorry, I thought the pegasus was for sale... It looked like it on your website. Why would Fibonacci be above my pay scale? I've studied the roulette for quite a while, and found two things 1) the can't be beat mathematically, but 2) they can be beaten. Fibonacci is just another version of Martingale. I could rack up hundreds of progressive betting variants, with a lot of names. Tell me your hit-rate on a 1:1 basis, and I'll tell you if your progressive betting has a chance of succeeding. Hell, I'll even show you how to bet if you want a progressive betting system. (Depending on...
Is forex gambling?
Pieredzējuši treideri
May 05, 2014 at 21:00
Bob Llewellyn:So, the Pegasus isn't doing too great, is it? http://www.myfxbook.com/members/ForexAssistant/pegasus/670938This is what it looks like when the Martingale busts... as it always does at one time or another. Perhaps remove it? As the other one was removed... bet it bust too.
Is forex gambling?
Pieredzējuši treideri
Mar 14, 2014 at 20:57
:) Some people only exist as a warning to others... even if they don't know it. Nice to see the cocky, ignorant halfwit refuse the challenge. He showed his quality there. His face could easily be on condoms, and everyone would know why they should use one.
Is forex gambling?
Pieredzējuši treideri
Mar 12, 2014 at 00:24
Before you actually lecture someone, be sure to read the question. The real essence of the question is lost all the time here, because people don't read the OP's first post. It was, in short: Is Forex Gambling, according to [my] religion? In the rest of your statement, you're probably right. But a word of advice is not to argue with forexpipcatcha; it is like masturbating with a cheese grader - somewhat amusing, but mostly painful. He lowers the IQ of the whole community when he speaks. ;)
Is forex gambling?
Pieredzējuši treideri
Feb 10, 2014 at 21:31
Forexpipcatcha: If you could read, you could see that I don't claim to know it all. You, on the other hand, have shown 0 proof to know everything you claim. But, since you're just trolling to give your miserable existence some meaning, could you please pick another hobby? Another forex-forum, perhaps? Fly-fishing? Beer?
Is forex gambling?
Pieredzējuši treideri
Feb 09, 2014 at 02:58
Of course they tell you what has happened. That's what I said. Human reactions however, can be somewhat predicted. (Yes, that is price action.) Who said I haven't learned? I just haven't spent decades on it yet. To fulfill your first demand on 2 years of successful trading, I have 1 year left. After that I might show you my results. Nothing spectacular, average 10% per month. Not like those mighty EA you're trusting. :) I'm very open to the fact that I don't know everything. Are you? You seem opposed to charts... what do you do to be so successful? Or you trust the EAs?
Is forex gambling?
Pieredzējuši treideri
Feb 09, 2014 at 02:34
Behind every company, government etc, there are humans. And since humans are predictable, the market is... at least to some degree. And that is reflected in Candlesticks (and other stuff as well) since Candlesticks only show how the price has moved. So, why are you? Perhaps you're not that successful after all? Most successful traders I've met share their knowledge, since they know that sharing doesn't have any influence on their trading at all. It's not like they're lowering the odds, like in sports betting... Would a successful trader spend their time here and trying to s...
Is forex gambling?
Pieredzējuši treideri
Feb 09, 2014 at 02:03
So, if NOONE on the whole planet makes a trade, will the market still move, as you imply? Since it wasn't the humans (and with humans I mean businesses as well)... Fully learned - as in knowing when you say "that doesn't work", you really meant "I can't get that to work". So, you've been doing this for decades, how come you're hanging out here with us losers?
Is forex gambling?
Pieredzējuši treideri
Feb 09, 2014 at 00:26
You do know that Candlesticks only show the price and how it changed? Since humans look at these, they act accordingly. Hence you can predict human action through candlesticks.How many years have you been around? What have you seen? Are you fully learned? Just had to ask...
Is forex gambling?
Pieredzējuši treideri
Jan 23, 2014 at 19:02
It is still gambling in the eyes of the goatherders that invented two major religions in the middle east about 1400-2000 years ago.If you are worried about what your God/Allah will think about this, you probably shouldn't be here. It is sinful and wrong. Can we not let this fracking thread die now?
Is forex gambling?
Pieredzējuši treideri
Jan 20, 2014 at 16:01
I would say so, 8888, but every religion is flexible enough to not have people abandon it, so I guess they will find a loophole to make Forex legal.
Is forex gambling?
Pieredzējuši treideri
Jan 16, 2014 at 21:33
Aleku82: No, to Martingale your way through anything is hardly good money management. (Or any variation of Martingale...)Keep it up and let me know when it goes bust. ;) If you win on level trading, then you are winning.The OP in this thread wanted to know if Forex trading was gambling according to his religious beliefs. And, yes it is... That's why some brokers have special accounts for muslims.
Is forex gambling?
Pieredzējuši treideri
Dec 20, 2013 at 20:11
80% is too much. What if you lose the next trade? Then you're stuck with 20% of your capital and no way to Martingale your way out of it... Will follow with interest, though.
Is forex gambling?
Pieredzējuši treideri
Jun 01, 2013 at 19:40
Didn't think so... One can't have that when dealing with the market. It will bite back faster than one thinks. But you know who I was referring to... He went in to the battle of wits unarmed.
Is forex gambling?
Pieredzējuši treideri
Jun 01, 2013 at 17:03
Sorry... Google Translate is your friend. ;)
Is forex gambling?
Pieredzējuši treideri
Jun 01, 2013 at 15:05
Unintelligible... Don't want to go at your spelling and language here, since you probably don't have english as a first language. Some misinterpretations must have been made. Carry on! Oh, where was my PAMM-account again? Missed that part...
Is forex gambling?
Pieredzējuši treideri
Jun 01, 2013 at 14:36
Also, Chris, since Forex is 80% a psychological game, I have yet to encounter a successful trader with short temper. Oh, you lost because the broker was a scammer... naaawww... Are the big boys mean and don't want to give you their money without any effort? If I had $1 every time someone thought they were scammed by their broker when they in reality just traded like most (poorly), I wouldn't have to trade at all... money would pour in. Also, offering PAMM-accounts... I'm not sure you know who you are talking to. I've never done that. And stop calling everyone idiot. It reflects...
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