Started working for a Forex education provider in September 2010 and have been learning about the industry ever since.

I've traded a retail account along with 2 prop accounts, with my current account on file here being a prop account.

I also ran the back end of a prop program updating and promoting accounts using the MT4 Manager as well as being the manager of a trade desk for 12 months.

I enjoy learning about the markets and trading when I can.
Trading style
Price Action trading on larger time-frames 1HR+


Systems by EverythingMT4

Name Gain Drawdown Pips Trading Leverage Type
January 2013 18.67% 6.17% 1876.6 Mixed 1:100 Real
February 2013 15.33% 4.73% 530.3 - - Real
March 2013 17.44% 3.31% 926.6 - - Real
May 2013 14.73% 5.90% 445.5 - - Real
April 2013 4.19% 7.39% 865.9 - - Real
June 2013 1.99% 10.83% -123.9 Manual 1:100 Real
Navigator FX 218.50% 19.61% 3171.8 Automated 1:100 Real