One For All Infinox
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Real (USD), INFINOX Capital , 1:1000 , MetaTrader 4

Drawdown: 38.15%

Balance: $599.62
Equity: (100.00%) $599.62
Highest: (Oct 02) $609.77
Profit: $259.84
Interest: -$31.24

Deposits: $339.78
Withdrawals: $0.00

Updated 3 hours ago
Tracking 0
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Gain (Difference) Profit (Difference) Pips (Difference) Win% (Difference) Trades (Difference) Lots (Difference)
Today +0.00% ( - ) $0.00 ( - ) +0.0 ( - ) 0% ( - ) 0 ( - )
This Week +0.00% ( - ) $0.00 ( - ) +0.0 ( - ) 0% ( - ) 0 ( - )
This Month +0.00% ( - ) $0.00 ( - ) +0.0 ( - ) 0% ( - ) 0 ( - )
This Year +0.00% (-76.47%) $0.00 (-$259.84) +0.0 (-2,678.1) 0% (-67%) 0 (-511)
Data is private.
Trades: 511
Pips: 2,678.1
Average Win: 34.64 pips / $2.19
Average Loss: -56.40 pips / -$3.02
Lots :
Commissions: $0.00
Longs Won: (175/268) 65%
Shorts Won: (171/243) 70%
Best Trade ($): (Oct 03) 26.46
Worst Trade ($): (Oct 03) -111.61
Best Trade (Pips): (Sep 15) 865.0
Worst Trade (Pips): (Sep 15) -2,031.0
Avg. Trade Length: 1d
Profit Factor: 1.52
Standard Deviation: $6.247
Sharpe Ratio 0.11
Z-Score (Probability): 0.11 (8.75%)
Expectancy 5.2 Pips / $0.51
AHPR: 0.12%
GHPR: 0.11%
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Data includes last 200 transactions based on the analysed history.
Data includes last 200 transactions based on the analysed history.

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Shakira 27.53% 16.28% 935.9 - 1:1000 Real
OFF-WHITE 54.29% 72.51% 126.2 - 1:1000 Real
Koisuru cookie-01 21.20% 47.45% -15.1 - 1:2000 Real
Taranaki 518.73% 25.76% 1,886.5 - 1:1000 Real
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ONE FOR ALL CXM -76.58% 91.29% -3,104.8 Mixed 1:2000 Real
Scalper UT000 39.26% 20.77% -89,584.9 Automated 1:500 Real
Trade Addict 114.41% 34.84% 129,505.1 Manual 1:500 Real
Taranaki CXM 153.41% 23.88% -533.4 - 1:2000 Real
EU + AC Hedge 109.98% 68.28% -1,446.3 Automated 1:2000 Real
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Golden time 167.35% 36.33% 16,923.0 - 1:2000 Real
Account USV