MyFxBook EA and Metatrader 4 - Build 600

Feb 05, 2014 at 15:09
145 Replies
会员从Apr 25, 2011开始   18帖子
Mar 21, 2016 at 16:02
togr posted:
Its not server/pc based. It is like this:
MFB website requires new version of MFB EA to be installed on your MT4
MFB EA requires your MT4 build to be the new one as well. (It did not work on my mt4 ver 890)

Question again ;)

What happens when you try to install the EA with the automatic installer ?
会员从May 27, 2011开始   4帖子
Mar 21, 2016 at 16:28

I use manual procedure (replacing dll and ea) because it is a documented in the website
and therefore *should be* a valid procedure.

Message error 'Myfxbook.dll' is not 32-bit version' is tipical message from missing dlls.

OK. The x86 dependency walker is telling me that the following DLLs are missing:

This problem is related to missing the Visual studio 'redistributable package.' It is not obvious which one is missing based on the dependency walk, but I would try the one that corresponds with the compiler version used by myfxbook developers.
VS 2015
VS 2013
VS 2010
VS 2008

Maybe, support team could confirm that and indicate which one distributable package need to be installed to avoid trial and error tasks (and update website manual procedure instructions).
会员从Feb 22, 2011开始   4862帖子
Mar 21, 2016 at 16:32
Katakuja posted:
togr posted:
Its not server/pc based. It is like this:
MFB website requires new version of MFB EA to be installed on your MT4
MFB EA requires your MT4 build to be the new one as well. (It did not work on my mt4 ver 890)

Question again ;)

What happens when you try to install the EA with the automatic installer ?

It did install the newest version
But this newest version did not execute on chart unless the MT4 build is the new one
会员从Apr 25, 2011开始   18帖子
Mar 21, 2016 at 16:38
trans4x posted:

I use manual procedure (replacing dll and ea) because it is a documented in the website
and therefore *should be* a valid procedure.

Message error 'Myfxbook.dll' is not 32-bit version' is tipical message from missing dlls.

OK. The x86 dependency walker is telling me that the following DLLs are missing:

This problem is related to missing the Visual studio 'redistributable package.' It is not obvious which one is missing based on the dependency walk, but I would try the one that corresponds with the compiler version used by myfxbook developers.
VS 2015
VS 2013
VS 2010
VS 2008

Maybe, support team could confirm that and indicate which one distributable package need to be installed to avoid trial and error tasks (and update website manual procedure instructions).

Could it be that you also use Windows Server ??
会员从May 27, 2011开始   4帖子
Mar 21, 2016 at 16:59

This error is independent from Windows edition you use, anyway....

I have the same problem on Windows 7 HP 64b (home PC)
and Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard (VPS).
会员从Apr 25, 2011开始   18帖子
Mar 21, 2016 at 17:42
Im asking because i had last night the same problems on a Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard.

First i installed the EA manually,
blah blah dll, blah cannot find toggleDebug, blah'Message error 'Myfxbook.dll' is not 32-bit version''

Then tried it with the EAInstaller. Fail again. Message: 'Cant install Net 2.0 part of Net 3.5 aso'

wtf ?? Why 3.5 ??

Knew i had the newest Version of Net4 on the Server but tried it again to install.
With a external Net4.51installer, Message : 'Your Net4.51 is up to date'

Okk, hmm..

whent to Server Manager -> Add Roles and Features -> found there NET 3.5 Framework ??? (half checked)
checked all of it, installed it, reboot

tried again the EAInstaller,

and voila everything works fine now !

Thats why i asked about using Server..


会员从Apr 07, 2012开始   1帖子
Mar 21, 2016 at 18:31
Thanks Katajuja, your input was very valuable and helped me solve this issue. I followed your steps and everything words now.

It's incredible that mfb messed up that way.

It's all fine now.
会员从Feb 22, 2011开始   4862帖子
Mar 21, 2016 at 19:09
it is not OS/Server dependent
I have multiple MT4 instances on same server
Guess what soem of them are updating with old MFB EA 1.79
Some of them works nice with new 1.81
Some of them wont work even with the new version

Look at my profile how many accounts I have to deal with...
会员从Feb 21, 2016开始   1帖子
Mar 22, 2016 at 07:15
会员从May 27, 2011开始   4帖子
Mar 22, 2016 at 11:11
There are no magic things in software, only bugs...

Because support team is not doing their job, I had to do myself.

Finally I have installed from 'EA Installer.exe', previously I have copied EA
and DLL manually as indicated in the website.

Well, so simple, the DLL included in EA Installer is different from the
DLL you can download directly. EA is the same.

No problem with the DLL included in the EA Installer,
**** DLL you can download directly from the website do not work ****
(Error msg: Myfxbook.dll' is not 32-bit)
会员从Jan 26, 2012开始   2帖子
Mar 30, 2016 at 06:28

myfxbook ea does not work how to fix this
会员从Nov 16, 2015开始   9帖子
Apr 05, 2016 at 10:20
all I keep getting is error message: please use latest EA version, but I have downloaded newest, using 1.82 and no other error messages - any help?
会员从Sep 03, 2014开始   11帖子
Apr 06, 2016 at 03:46
yes, second to forexfusion; I closed the terminals, deleted the original ea + dll, and installed the newest version, and restarted terminals, but it still stats 'please update EA' on the expert tab.
Any advice?
会员从Nov 16, 2015开始   9帖子
Apr 06, 2016 at 11:28
for me Ethan in support helped me fix my issue (thanks to Ethan!):
The problem was with my account at myfxbook. I had to delete the account from my myfxbook portfolio, I didnt know that it was already there. Once I deleted it there, I was able to delete all and the reinstall everything on my MT4 and it worked fine.
会员从Aug 02, 2012开始   3帖子
Apr 12, 2016 at 14:58
EA is not working, I tried deleting account & reinstalling by deleting old files & installing new. Nothing works with new version.
会员从Mar 06, 2014开始   3帖子
Apr 12, 2016 at 19:39
Remove the ea from mt4 and then delete that specific mt4 account at myfxbook.
会员从Aug 02, 2012开始   3帖子
Apr 14, 2016 at 09:54
supertrader9 posted:
Remove the ea from mt4 and then delete that specific mt4 account at myfxbook.

Did this its still not working, help!
会员从Feb 22, 2011开始   4862帖子
Apr 15, 2016 at 08:20
Delete ex4 file in MQL/experts
Delete dd file in MQL/libraries
Close MT4. Install EA via MFB installer.
Run MT4
Attach EA to chart again
会员从Aug 02, 2012开始   3帖子
Apr 15, 2016 at 11:50
somsrk89 posted:
supertrader9 posted:
Remove the ea from mt4 and then delete that specific mt4 account at myfxbook.

Did this its still not working, help!

Deleting .dll file & installing new one helped. Problem solved.
Also need to delete that account from myfxbook.
会员从Jul 25, 2016开始   237帖子
Aug 31, 2016 at 06:39
aleksandarmfx posted:

myfxbook ea does not work how to fix this

 That is the same error I am getting. Where you able to fix it?
@GJscalper for more information
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