20 trades to become millionare - is it possible?

Feb 10, 2019 at 07:38
83 Replies
Member Since Apr 06, 2014   4 posts
Feb 10, 2019 at 07:38

Thinking about an idea. If we trade on a broker that has leverage 500:1 and we have 20 consecutive trades with lets say 50 pips profit, can we double lot on each trade?

SL would be 20 pips. So first trade 0.01 lot 5$, 0.02 lot, 10$, if 0.04 lot is loss then -8$, but then we start with 0.02 lot again.

On 20th step, we would be on around 3 mil $ or something like that.

Would that be possible?
Member Since Sep 12, 2018   20 posts
Feb 11, 2019 at 06:49
its possible but its a risky game so...there is no confirmation about this...just try...
Day by day having better, better and better...
Member Since Feb 10, 2019   52 posts
Feb 15, 2019 at 13:51
Please share the outome
Member Since Feb 08, 2019   200 posts
Feb 15, 2019 at 14:12
If you can win 20 consecutive trades with just 10 pips profit on each you'd be a trading legend
Member Since Feb 08, 2017   3 posts
Feb 17, 2019 at 08:03
Hello everyone,

@DarkForex, you raise an interesting point allow me to offer some insight.

First, I think it is valuable to separate pips and money. The value of a pip differs from one pair to another and from one broker to another, also the value of the pip changes according to the conditions. The value of the pip should be found either on the broker's page or more likely on the fine print in the Terms&Conditions. Calculating a $ return with pips just doesn't work.

Second, you have to account for trading costs which can vary again from pair to pair and broker to broker. The most common commission is the spread which even if the broker says is fixed, it is not. The second cost will be the swap which should be easy to calculate(interest rate difference), account for the fact that on Wednesday the swap is triple for every broker.

Third, the strategy assumes that you have 20 wining trades of 50 pips. Take into account that your buy orders open at Ask and sell orders open at Bid (the difference between them is the broker's spread). Consider that you have a 5pip spread, you will have to have 20 winning trades of 55 pips. Your Tp and SL are the inverse of your order( if my order is BUY then TP&SL are PENDING SELL) and they also close at ask and bid so you will need to add 5 more pips. In total you have 20 trades of 60 pips, quite the difference. (To see the ask line go to mt4 - Options - Common - Show ASk line)

Forth, the strategy assumes that you have a 50% chance of hitting that TP. On first trade you have theoretically 50% of hitting TP. However, your SL is closer than your TP (odds of TP go down), the bid/ask spread and method of orders closing make it in such way that you are more likely to hit the SL. In the standard trade, you actually have a <50% of hitting TP. (Example: we all now the Risk Reward Ration of 1:3. I risk 1 unit to make 3. In Forex this ratio comes down to 1:around 2.1 because of the costs).

Fifth, you mathematically have a 1 in 20 chances of getting all the trades right. First trade you have <50% change to get it right, the second you have <25% etc. 1/20=0.05% (Assuming you are perfect)

Sixth, the 1:500 leverage assumes that the broker lends you 500x times the amount that you deposit. Why would a stranger lend you 500x the amount? Which bank does that? Leverage over 20x was banned is EU and CFDs(What we use for currency trading) was banned in US. There is a reason for this which I will not go into detail, you can find it on the internet. Your 1:500 raises your risk factor because with every trade you pay the broker for the 500x that you receive (no broker will ever admit this, but this is the reason you can get 500x your account, it's basically a loan).

In conclusion, the chances of doing that are next to nothing and even if it works the first time, the second time will definitely be a bust.
If however it works consistently and you can prove it, give me a PM and I.ll personally give you me account to trade.

Member Since Apr 06, 2018   242 posts
Feb 17, 2019 at 08:08
DarkForex posted:

Thinking about an idea. If we trade on a broker that has leverage 500:1 and we have 20 consecutive trades with lets say 50 pips profit, can we double lot on each trade?

SL would be 20 pips. So first trade 0.01 lot 5$, 0.02 lot, 10$, if 0.04 lot is loss then -8$, but then we start with 0.02 lot again.

On 20th step, we would be on around 3 mil $ or something like that.

Would that be possible?

Another pipe dream only.
The market will trade through it’s path of least resistance .
Member Since Jan 05, 2016   1097 posts
Feb 17, 2019 at 23:31
DarkForex posted:

Thinking about an idea. If we trade on a broker that has leverage 500:1 and we have 20 consecutive trades with lets say 50 pips profit, can we double lot on each trade?

SL would be 20 pips. So first trade 0.01 lot 5$, 0.02 lot, 10$, if 0.04 lot is loss then -8$, but then we start with 0.02 lot again.

On 20th step, we would be on around 3 mil $ or something like that.

Would that be possible?

Doubling up on every trade until you hit a losing trade and then starting over?
This is a very high risk strategy and I do not encourage anyone to trade this way.

In regard to your question....

Would that be possible?

Yes it would be possible.
Just as it would be possible for you to end up with a blown account trading this way too.

There is more to it than just doubling your trade sizes with each consecutive trade though.

You need a rock solid trading strategy that gives you extremely high probability trading setups and a very large starting balance.
If it looks too good to be true, it's probably a scam! Let the buyer beware.
Member Since Apr 06, 2014   4 posts
Feb 18, 2019 at 07:01
Broker IC markets 500:1. Curently testing on demo. TP is 50, SL 20, on step 4 of total 20 steps.

This is anti martingale. I have expirience with high risk reward strategy. Went from 5$ to 3.000$. So i think this is possible.

Idea is not to have 20 consecutive trades, but to gradualy, with high risk/reward ratio go trough 20 steps as described. TP is 50, a little more then 2x SL because of spread, swap, slippage, etc... and pips can be translated to money so every 5$, 10$, 20$ profit we double lot.

Don't know, maybe I will try it on cent account (8 steps more to continue series on micro account) so i will loose on every series start around 2 cents instead of 2$...

Member Since Feb 16, 2019   26 posts
Feb 18, 2019 at 11:31
Im not sure the maths works out but it would be interesting to see what would happen if you were willing to try.
Member Since Feb 18, 2019   11 posts
Feb 18, 2019 at 11:41
This sound like a fascinating idea. Could be a great way to get rich quick. I hope someone do it. I am too scarred as will probably lose all money
Member Since Mar 15, 2019   76 posts
Dec 11, 2019 at 00:11
In theory sounds great, in practice maybe not so easy!! I wish you the best of luck though
All or nothing
Member Since Oct 23, 2014   77 posts
Dec 11, 2019 at 05:15
try it for 100 times with small account then give up if fails.you would need 1-2 good trades a week.or to be really safe wait for high impact interest rate decisions ;and non farm payrolls to trade.using pending orders.most people would cash out before million in fear of losing all. soros gambled ;he says so in his own words.he was actually in quite a debt at one stage but was sure of direction and stood firm.the only time i saw a sure long term move like that was when the swiss chf black swan happened.i knew the price would retrace weeks and months after.i was busy with other trading and regret chasing it hard.its like waiting for stock market to crash then going a buying frenzy.always wins.
Member Since Nov 15, 2019   23 posts
Dec 15, 2019 at 17:27
I don't think so. If you have great innitial capital, than you can become millionaire in 20 trades. But if you don't have hundred thousands dolars, that you should be true genius to make a millions so fast :)
Member Since Feb 27, 2018   8 posts
Dec 16, 2019 at 12:13
Totally possibly and doing in now for the third time
Member Since Apr 27, 2019   21 posts
Dec 17, 2019 at 18:20
I think it's possible that anything is possible these days. Despite the market dynamics, there are strategies that can catch its changes as accurately as possible, the main thing is to adhere to all the rules and not to increase the risks when it is unjustified. When such huge profits occur, it can be connected with a successful situation in the market, when it gives new opportunities. Last but not least, it is the availability of strong capital, as well as the ability to find the assets that currently provide the best prospects. And if all this has converged in one moment, we see an exciting success story that delights and proves that everything is possible.
Member Since Sep 27, 2019   9 posts
Dec 18, 2019 at 11:31
It is technically possible but the odds of getting 20 trades right in a row when you use a large enough lot size to make you a millionaire is tiny. Don't bother trying
Member Since Mar 10, 2019   55 posts
Dec 27, 2019 at 20:06
I have an an easy solution for you guys: deposit $2M and then do your 20 losing trades all the way down to $1M. You can even buy an expensive holy grail martin EA for that, live it overnight, go to bed and... in the morning you are a 1-millionaire... 😂
every beautiful garden has a strong hedge around
Member Since Feb 27, 2018   8 posts
Jan 02, 2020 at 05:05
While some comments are negative I can understand the thought process behind them but while I have have achieved this in the last 3 weeks of December I am about to do it again in the first 2 weeks of Jan.

However I really wanted to highlight a different aspect to this question, it not about can you get 20 trades in a row it is more discipline. Look for one quality, high probability trade per day, have a plan in place with your risk appetite accounted for. For me to achieve my goal I only require 20 pips a day for month but for the next two weeks I want 100 pips a day and with the assets I trade that is easy I can have those 100 pips within 5 mins or it could take me hours to get there but once I have 50% of my daily target I take a break even position then at 75% I take a 40% profit then if my 100 pips it at a key level I take my profit and enjoy my day. If the 100 pips shows more momentum I will let it run and jump my SL and everything above the 100 is a bonus.

But honestly it is not about number of trades it is the quality and the discipline.
Member Since Feb 22, 2011   4573 posts
Jan 03, 2020 at 09:40
DarkForex posted:

Thinking about an idea. If we trade on a broker that has leverage 500:1 and we have 20 consecutive trades with lets say 50 pips profit, can we double lot on each trade?

SL would be 20 pips. So first trade 0.01 lot 5$, 0.02 lot, 10$, if 0.04 lot is loss then -8$, but then we start with 0.02 lot again.

On 20th step, we would be on around 3 mil $ or something like that.

Would that be possible?

It is a nonsense.
A. With 20 pips SL adn 50 pips TP, SL will be hit way often than TP
B. 20th position size would be 10 485 lots. Maximum trade size of broker with 1:500 leverage is about 100 lots.
C. Doubling trade size is called martingale - it always lead to a loss

You should better try that strategy in casino.
Member Since Feb 22, 2011   4573 posts
Jan 03, 2020 at 09:40
tacet posted:
I have an an easy solution for you guys: deposit $2M and then do your 20 losing trades all the way down to $1M. You can even buy an expensive holy grail martin EA for that, live it overnight, go to bed and... in the morning you are a 1-millionaire... 😂

Yeah exactlly
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