Farhan Aggressive PAMM Account Fx Childs Play (By fxchilds)

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Farhan Aggressive PAMM Account Fx Childs Play Обсуждение

May 02, 2017 at 18:46
3,301 Просмотры
45 Replies
Участник с Feb 22, 2011   4862 комментариев
Aug 03, 2017 at 06:58
jeinus posted:
Hello everybody, I am a subscriber of Fahran's aggresive account for exactly 5 months now. His trading results are excellent. My account today is over $30,000 starting with $2,000. just in five months. It's really annoying to have read in some of the previous posts, negative reviews without any justification. It is so unfair for Fahran and his trading team, who believe me, are all trying for exceptional performance. I can see it in all of their trades. They always do smart moves. Congratulations Fahran and Team. You are the best.
I would continue with your service forever, and I am already spreading the word to friends and relatives.

Dear fake profile,

you have registered couple hours ago just to tell us how great is this system:)
Do you really think the users here are idiots?
Участник с Oct 19, 2014   28 комментариев
Aug 04, 2017 at 06:10
Ok guys. Once i am home i will post the details here, so you guys can judge and decide. You guys can follow fully until i close it.

Участник с Jun 30, 2016   12 комментариев
Aug 04, 2017 at 11:23
this comment section is becoming a joke real quick, a bunch of fake profiles with high claims and no proof.Much safer systems to invest your money in, run from this one.
Участник с May 18, 2013   3 комментариев
Aug 04, 2017 at 11:44
This is exceptionally very best signal ever I got in my 15 years of forex trading !! very rewarding with a very minimal risk So far !

Here is my live account proof , how good the system is now :-
I have joined and invested $2000 in early march, First two weeks was very bad, he did not follow any day trading rules and lost 90% only the margin remains in the balance , So i wrote to them my research on his trading from my 15 years of forex trading and stop opening the brokers email until April 10 when I opened my email and click Fxchoice daily statement, while vacationing in Myrtle Beach SC. I was astonished to see my $211 is now $257. So I now look at the fxchoice report daily, as day by day ,week by week it grows to $11000 as of today.I did my research again and have found he is very good position trader following long term trends , so he do not close any trade unless it is in profits or in very bad shape or turning of the trends.Here are the Monthly summary of my account;- 03/31/17-A/C Summary: Floating P/L: 0.00Closed Trade P/L: -1 863.08 Total Credit Facility: 0.00Deposit/Withdrawal: 1 987.28 Equity: 124.20Balance: 124.20 Margin Requirement: 0.00Available Margin: 124.20Best RegardsAccounts DepartmentPlease report to us within 24 hours if this statement is incorrect. Otherwise this statements will be considered to be confirmed by you. You can contact us at [email protected]. Please be sure to include a copy of your trade report and a detailed description of your issue.Copyright © FX Choice, All rights reser04/30/17--A/C Summary: Floating P/L: -70.51Closed Trade P/L: 1 076.09 Total Credit Facility: 0.00Deposit/Withdrawal: 0.00 Equity: 1 129.78Balance: 1 200.29 Margin Requirement: 201.30Available Margin: 928.48Best RegardsAccounts Department05/31/17--A/C Summary: Floating P/L: 108.71Closed Trade P/L: 799.33 Total Credit Facility: 0.00Deposit/Withdrawal: 0.00 Equity: 2 108.33Balance: 1 999.62 Margin Requirement: 474.95Available Margin: 1 633.38Best RegardsAccounts DepartmentPlease report to us within 24 hours if this statement is incorrect. Otherwise this statements will be considered to be confirmed by you. You can contact us at [email protected]. Please be sure to include a copy of your trade report and a detailed description of your issue.Copyright © FX Choice, All rights reserved.
06/30/17--A/C Summary: Floating P/L: 0.00Closed Trade P/L: 4 233.83 Total Credit Facility: 0.00Deposit/Withdrawal: -2 300.47 Equity: 3 932.98Balance: 3 932.98 Margin Requirement: 0.00Available Margin: 3 932.98Best RegardsAccounts DepartmentPlease report to us within 24 hours if this statement is incorrect. Otherwise this statements will be considered to be confirmed by you. You can contact us at [email protected]. Please be sure to include a copy of your trade report and a detailed description of your issue.Copyright © FX Choice, All rights reserved.Todays reports:-07/26/17A/C Summary:Previous Ledger Balance: 10 766.74 Floating P/L: 42.70Closed Trade P/L: 0.00 Total Credit Facility: 0.00Deposit/Withdrawal: 0.00 Equity: 10 809.44Balance: 10 766.74 Margin Requirement: 1 690.66Available Margin: 9 118.78Best RegardsAccounts Department.I strongly support any one who wants to take some risk and invite to invest in FxchildsPlay.
Thank You
Mohammed Sikdar
To earn 1000 to 1 million.
Участник с Oct 19, 2014   28 комментариев
Aug 04, 2017 at 22:30 (отредактировано Aug 04, 2017 at 22:33)
Ok guys, here we are.


you can follow my account and track the progress. It is fully varified. You guys can decide from this.

and yes, i have been on MFB for nearly4 years, so i am a genuine person. track and see how it goes. I do have a much larger account too with Fx childs play.

and just to let you know, i did use farhan's service before too and had crashed completely, but gave him one more chance and have done well. This system does use custom dates as i started this account small account with him. feel free to have a look, i have nothing to hide. I use custom dates to make thingd easier for you guys to know when exactly the MAMM started.

Участник с Feb 22, 2011   4862 комментариев
Aug 06, 2017 at 07:01
awta posted:
This is exceptionally very best signal ever I got in my 15 years of forex trading !! very rewarding with a very minimal risk So far !

Here is my live account proof , how good the system is now :-
I have joined and invested $2000 in early march, First two weeks was very bad, he did not follow any day trading rules and lost 90% only the margin remains in the balance , So i wrote to them my research on his trading from my 15 years of forex trading and stop opening the brokers email until April 10 when I opened my email and click Fxchoice daily statement, while vacationing in Myrtle Beach SC. I was astonished to see my $211 is now $257. So I now look at the fxchoice report daily, as day by day ,week by week it grows to $11000 as of today.I did my research again and have found he is very good position trader following long term trends , so he do not close any trade unless it is in profits or in very bad shape or turning of the trends.Here are the Monthly summary of my account;- 03/31/17-A/C Summary: Floating P/L: 0.00Closed Trade P/L: -1 863.08 Total Credit Facility: 0.00Deposit/Withdrawal: 1 987.28 Equity: 124.20Balance: 124.20 Margin Requirement: 0.00Available Margin: 124.20Best RegardsAccounts DepartmentPlease report to us within 24 hours if this statement is incorrect. Otherwise this statements will be considered to be confirmed by you. You can contact us at [email protected]. Please be sure to include a copy of your trade report and a detailed description of your issue.Copyright © FX Choice, All rights reser04/30/17--A/C Summary: Floating P/L: -70.51Closed Trade P/L: 1 076.09 Total Credit Facility: 0.00Deposit/Withdrawal: 0.00 Equity: 1 129.78Balance: 1 200.29 Margin Requirement: 201.30Available Margin: 928.48Best RegardsAccounts Department05/31/17--A/C Summary: Floating P/L: 108.71Closed Trade P/L: 799.33 Total Credit Facility: 0.00Deposit/Withdrawal: 0.00 Equity: 2 108.33Balance: 1 999.62 Margin Requirement: 474.95Available Margin: 1 633.38Best RegardsAccounts DepartmentPlease report to us within 24 hours if this statement is incorrect. Otherwise this statements will be considered to be confirmed by you. You can contact us at [email protected]. Please be sure to include a copy of your trade report and a detailed description of your issue.Copyright © FX Choice, All rights reserved.
06/30/17--A/C Summary: Floating P/L: 0.00Closed Trade P/L: 4 233.83 Total Credit Facility: 0.00Deposit/Withdrawal: -2 300.47 Equity: 3 932.98Balance: 3 932.98 Margin Requirement: 0.00Available Margin: 3 932.98Best RegardsAccounts DepartmentPlease report to us within 24 hours if this statement is incorrect. Otherwise this statements will be considered to be confirmed by you. You can contact us at [email protected]. Please be sure to include a copy of your trade report and a detailed description of your issue.Copyright © FX Choice, All rights reserved.Todays reports:-07/26/17A/C Summary:Previous Ledger Balance: 10 766.74 Floating P/L: 42.70Closed Trade P/L: 0.00 Total Credit Facility: 0.00Deposit/Withdrawal: 0.00 Equity: 10 809.44Balance: 10 766.74 Margin Requirement: 1 690.66Available Margin: 9 118.78Best RegardsAccounts Department.I strongly support any one who wants to take some risk and invite to invest in FxchildsPlay.
Thank You
Mohammed Sikdar

another fake profile
zero comments
just promotional one here
zero accounts shared
Участник с Jun 30, 2016   12 комментариев
Aug 06, 2017 at 14:42
So you guys also commented the same exact thing on the forex peace army review https://www.forexpeacearmy.com/forex-reviews/5474/www.fxchildsplay.com .
Участник с Sep 16, 2016   31 комментариев
Aug 07, 2017 at 06:23
Its funny how everyone started with 2000$ and their account is at 30000$ in 5-6 months. Looks like a scam to me. Similar comments on FPA as well
Участник с Aug 04, 2017   6 комментариев
Aug 07, 2017 at 18:01
suttos posted:
any feedback from anybody about this?


 I have subscribed to Farhan's signal service previously but my account was blown due to greed. However after I received an email invitation about Farhan's Private aggressive managed account, i was totally excited about it and opened and funded ($2000 USD) in Feb. My account was making profit in the first month (around 3k) but i was shock to see my account losing money and ended only with less than over $200 in March, but I was told that this is an aggressive strategy, so we should know the risk involved. Especially in Forex, there is no guarantee of success. i still have faith in Farhan's way of trading even though I did not funded anymore money as I was having financial difficulties. But I was shocked to see that Farhan was trading a few 0.01 lots from less than $200 and after a few months later (less than 6 months) had increased to well over $30,000!

I'm also pleased that the support is very prompt and helpful.

From the bottom of my heart I thank you Farhan and your support staff! As I'm now able to withdrawal my profits from winning account instead of always deposit hard earned money into losing accounts!

Again, Thank you very much to you guys, and God bless!!!!!

Attached is the link of my trading account with Farhan: https://www.myfxbook.com/members/shauncks/fxchildsplaysignals-aggressive-pamm/2208585

Участник с Aug 02, 2017   2 комментариев
Aug 07, 2017 at 18:01
By reading the comments on this forum of the people that strongly reject to see the truth behind my testimony and of others, regarding Fahran's succesfull trading, one can understand the sceptiscism surrounding success in forex trading.
Nothing is fake in my testimony. Fahran proved to me that he knows how to make money in forex trading. And since I always speek of the truth, I shared it with you.
 And it's not funny Mr. soulmysoul that the $2,000 increased to $30,000 in 6 months, It's incredible!!!
and it's real and it's happenning to all of us who follow Fahran's aggresive account.
As of you Mr. Vontogr(togr) you seem so negative in accepting that others can have success in forex(like reports on MyFxBook), that it will be a waste of time to try prove anything to you. So please keep the negativeness to yourself don't spread it to others by calling fake something that in no way you can prove it is.
But sorry if I am a bit harsh, it's not my intention to offend anyone. I've been an occassional trader myself for many years,never making any money. It is the first time that I see my account at that height.
Regards to everyone. God be with you.
Участник с Jun 30, 2016   12 комментариев
Aug 08, 2017 at 06:15
97% drawdown lmao
Участник с May 18, 2013   3 комментариев
Aug 08, 2017 at 06:22
togr posted:

another fake profile
zero comments
just promotional one here
zero accounts shared

Here is my account proof https://www.myfxbook.com/members/awta/fxchildsplaysignals-aggressive-managed/2208964

Now, I think you should apologize for spreading false allegations.
To earn 1000 to 1 million.
Участник с Sep 16, 2016   31 комментариев
Aug 08, 2017 at 06:24
jeinus posted:
By reading the comments on this forum of the people that strongly reject to see the truth behind my testimony and of others, regarding Fahran's succesfull trading, one can understand the sceptiscism surrounding success in forex trading.
Nothing is fake in my testimony. Fahran proved to me that he knows how to make money in forex trading. And since I always speek of the truth, I shared it with you.
 And it's not funny Mr. soulmysoul that the $2,000 increased to $30,000 in 6 months, It's incredible!!!
and it's real and it's happenning to all of us who follow Fahran's aggresive account.
As of you Mr. Vontogr(togr) you seem so negative in accepting that others can have success in forex(like reports on MyFxBook), that it will be a waste of time to try prove anything to you. So please keep the negativeness to yourself don't spread it to others by calling fake something that in no way you can prove it is.
But sorry if I am a bit harsh, it's not my intention to offend anyone. I've been an occassional trader myself for many years,never making any money. It is the first time that I see my account at that height.
Regards to everyone. God be with you.

If this is all true what you are saying then just make a fully verified account monitor with some regulated broker. This will stop us from doubting because what you wrote are just wrote which don't prove anything.
I can write that i lost 100,000$ after signing up for this signal service? Will you believe me?
Участник с Aug 04, 2017   6 комментариев
Aug 08, 2017 at 08:39
For those who dare to take the risk will reaps the reward...
Участник с Apr 21, 2013   272 комментариев
Aug 09, 2017 at 05:37
shauncks posted:
For those who dare to take the risk will reaps the reward...

you registered on August 5 of this year.....what other objective insight do you have? Obviously you weren't set up purely for the purpose of supporting this system because that never happens.
Участник с Feb 22, 2011   4862 комментариев
Aug 09, 2017 at 11:53
awta posted:
togr posted:

another fake profile
zero comments
just promotional one here
zero accounts shared

Here is my account proof https://www.myfxbook.com/members/awta/fxchildsplaysignals-aggressive-managed/2208964

Now, I think you should apologize for spreading false allegations.

yeah not verified account with 95% DD
what a joke


Участник с Sep 24, 2013   38 комментариев
Aug 09, 2017 at 14:06
Looks like the account is in trouble?
Участник с Nov 24, 2015   64 комментариев
Aug 10, 2017 at 06:48
not convincing at all ...matureless trder
Участник с Jun 30, 2016   12 комментариев
Aug 10, 2017 at 06:49
Final warning stay away from this guy ,he hides his trade history whenever he's having a bad month ,how sad
Участник с Aug 04, 2017   6 комментариев
Aug 10, 2017 at 12:26
Is there a 100% sure-win trader in this world? As long as I'm able to withdrawal the profits made weekly and the account is not blown up in the coming months I think he is doing fine...
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